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Getting back to the secretarial position Dieter asked if it had been requested Dennis said <br />it was; but was not allowed. Dr. Ferlic asked about special event brunches "breaking <br />even." Dennis allowed the Mother's Day Brunch broke even this year with 483 <br />attendees. <br />Mark Neal then took over to present funds #273, #416, and #450. Dieter urged a <br />continued request for Hotel -Motel Tax funding even with the Football Hall of Fame <br />closing this year. <br />Gary Gilot former Director of Public Works, now contracted for $70.00 hr. as a <br />consultant presented Public Works budgets. He followed the same format as other <br />department heads and was assisted by rather recently appointed City Engineer Mike <br />Meecham. Fourteen separate - Public Works budgets or funds were reviewed. The <br />respective department heads were present to answer any specific questions. <br />Gary seemed to raise the ire of Councilmember's when he led off by recommending the <br />creation of a new position, that being Asst. Director of Public Works with a proposed <br />salary of $94,500 yr. Gary described this position as an operations manager type keeping <br />day to day tabs on various departments and projects. This would free the Director to <br />keep an "eye on the horizon," to take a larger visionary view. <br />Many Council questions followed. Oliver Davis wondered who prioritizes street <br />projects. City Engineer Mecham, acknowledged the need for better communication. Tim <br />Scott wondered why the delay in finding a new Public Works Director. <br />Interviews are continuing was the response. Tim also said the condition of the city's <br />infrastructure, streets and sidewalks, says a lot about a community. He added many folks <br />cannot afford to participate in the current curb and sidewalk programs. Henry Davis said <br />a bigger commitment of dollars to infrastructure was needed. Too many dollars from TIF <br />districts he said were being diverted. Henry also said "school zone" markings promised <br />last year were not completed. David Varner, returning to the new position request, <br />wanted a hierarchical chart and job descriptions to justify the request. Dieter added a <br />request for a chart of positions with names of who held them. He also sought more <br />attention to painting yellow curbs and crosswalks. Tim Scott wanted to know if there <br />was any plan to provide curbs and sidewalks to areas of the City that had none. Henry <br />wondered if more could be accomplished hiring small contractors to do the job. He was <br />told by Gary that "prevailing wage" requirements would nullify potential savings. <br />As time wore on only Central Services and Local Road and Streets presentations were <br />completed. <br />Under Central Services, Derek Dieter said the new 800 MHZ radios provided to police <br />officers as mobile units were also needed in police cars for safety reasons. <br />