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RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS AUGUST 13, 2012 <br />4:40 P.M. <br />Committee Member's Present: Tim Scott, Karen White <br />Citizen Members: Ken Bradford, Jen Tindel <br />Other Council Member's Present: Henry Davis, Valerie Schey, Dr. David Varner, Derek <br />Dieter <br />Other's Present: Kathy Cekanski - Farrand, Kevin Allen, Jim Kelly, Richard Chambliss, <br />Jerry Niezgodski, Regina Williams- Preston, Mike Schmuhl <br />Agenda: Update - Vacant & Abandoned Housing Task Force — Jim Kelly <br />Residential Neighborhoods Committee Chairperson Tim Scott called this meeting to give <br />the Council an opportunity to hear a progress report on the Mayor's task force formed to <br />address the problem of vacant and abandoned properties. Before introducing the head of <br />the task force, Tim who serves as the Council's representative on the task force, gave a <br />brief breakdown of the focus, funding, and committee structure of the group. Tim <br />referred to materials he had previously provided the Council as a reference point. <br />Tim then introduced Jim Kelly, appointed by the Mayor and serving a chair of the task <br />force. Jim is a faculty member of the Notre Dame law school and has extensive <br />experience in rescuing challenged deteriorating neighborhoods particularly in Baltimore. <br />Kelly reported an enthusiasm in neighborhoods to work together to salvage and improve <br />them. He said the early focus of the group was to accumulate data which would <br />methodically detail the number of vacant and abandoned homes. That base line data <br />would be used to develop a matrix to objectively identify which homes were <br />economically salvageable and which had to come down. Houses designated for <br />demolition would be prioritized by a list of factors including safety risk and input from <br />neighborhood Code and people living there. Tim Scott, interjected to say the Mayor had <br />pledged an additional 1 million dollars in 2013 for demolition. Jim Kelly then went on to <br />identify the committees created and their mission. One was to collect data and establish <br />objective measures. A land bank approach, perhaps requiring state legislation was tasked <br />to another. Capital availability, what we have and what we might get was yet another. <br />Another committee was to investigate how to best use the vacant lots left after <br />demolition. He went on to say individual properties would be evaluated for rehab where <br />market factors made it practical. The market factor approach might also have an <br />application to the land bank process of "bundling" properties for sale to developers. <br />Karen White wondered if demographics were taken into account. Kelly said they were <br />indeed adding we have to know how we got to where we are before we can plan where <br />we want to go. <br />