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Council questions were wide - ranging and considerable in number. Karen asked for <br />further explanation of the organizational structure. David Varner wanted to know what <br />had really changed in terms of performances measures. Valerie Schey's questions <br />focused on specific line item dollars. Karen interjected by asking if Project Future was <br />still going to be funded. Yes was the reply, to the tune of $110,000 from EDIT funds. <br />Varner wondered if we're going to fund CPEG, the new regional approach to economic <br />development. The Mayor said this had yet to be determined. Kathy Cekanski - Farrand <br />cautioned that the Code affected by these changes needed to be amended by November 1. <br />In closing Varner said he was looking for results not efficiencies. <br />The Parking Garage funds were next and were illustrated in handout #6 covered by Don <br />Inks. Aaron Perri, Director of DTSB was also present to answer questions. Oliver Davis <br />questioned whether, if so and how customer satisfaction was measured. Aaron Perri said <br />a DTSB newsletter, a website, and signage all were being employed with positive <br />feedback. Tim Scott and Valerie Schey both weighed in on additional marketing <br />suggestions. <br />Century Center's presentation was next, as seen in handout #7 provided by and presented <br />by Jill Schicctano, Century Center's Director. <br />Jill presentation prompted a variety of questions from Council. Valerie Schey wondered <br />about the overall ROI or return on investment. Varner more specifically wanted to raise <br />awareness of a declining trend in hotel -motel tax revenues suggesting management need <br />to focus efforts on a "break even" point or a gross revenue per square foot number to <br />target. Oliver Davis questioned how we compare to other centers and what we are doing <br />to complete for business. Tim Scott was quite adamant about the need for additional <br />maintenance. He expressed great concern about a reduction in dollars set aside for <br />capital needs. <br />In his summary remarks, Mark Neal, briefly referred to handout #8 which provided more <br />detail about the $80,000 expense line item the Council questioned in the first review <br />session. <br />Karen White reminded everyone about session #3 scheduled for Wednesday, August 22, <br />2012 at 4:00 p.m. <br />There being no further business to come before the Personnel & Finance Committee at <br />this time, Chairperson White adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted. <br />Karen L. White, Chairperson <br />Personnel & Finance Committee <br />