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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> from the perspective of people who are very interested in maintaining the historical nature of our <br /> neighborhood, but I do believe for a long time it has been extremely difficult to build in the inner <br /> City, and this is the kind of thing that will be very helpful. Thank you. <br /> Joan Downs, 849 Forest Avenue, stated, I'm not opposed to this, but I have a question and a deep <br /> concern. I am in favor of the amendment. Actually, Alan was a perfect introduction. So, I live in <br /> the Near Northwest Neighborhood and there are blocks where there are seventy percent (70%) of <br /> the lots that are vacant. Being a member of the incremental development group, I have learned <br /> many things about development including that cost effectiveness is often very closely tied to scale. <br /> It seems to me that one(1) of the things missing from this ordinance is any recognition that as our <br /> City is improving, the land will become more valuable. The way to develop it in a cost-effective <br /> way is for a developer to buy up, potentially every empty lot in a block, and the ordinance does <br /> not protect anyone from them putting a four (4)-plex, cheek by jowl, on every single lot in that <br /> block. I think that should be written in such a way that it recognizes that although that might, in <br /> some blocks,be appropriate development,it is in many cases not.I think the intent of the ordinance <br /> is a softer kind of infill, which recognizes the character and quality of the neighborhood is <br /> enhanced by a little of this and a little of that. Living in an historic district, I'm concerned about <br /> what a little of this and a little of that is going to look like. There is nothing in the ordinance that, <br /> too,should be of concern. So,for instance,in the historic district where I live,there is no protection <br /> when it comes to new development. So, if we had an empty lot, they could build any kind of <br /> building they want, say a four (4)-plex, and so I think there are aesthetic concerns and scale <br /> concerns that the ordinance doesn't address. Maybe it is not appropriate to address it, but I feel <br /> like it hasn't been voiced that in spite of the fact this could bring all kinds of good things to our <br /> community, there is also a danger. I think as we become more valuable and a more prosperous <br /> City, it is not unreasonable to think that a developer might want to buy many empty lots. And <br /> because of the scale and efficiency demands, plans and materials for the new development could <br /> be very much the same. You could see, cheek by jowl, many buildings that are, from my point of <br /> view, overbuilding, inappropriate architecturally, and very much the same, be that infill. I think <br /> the ordinance needs to state that is potentially a danger. <br /> Tim Corcoran, Director of Planning for the Department of Community Investment with offices <br /> located on the 14th floor of the County-City Building,stated,Just to talk a little bit about the historic <br /> districts, one (1) of the things that our staff is in the process of doing is updating the design <br /> guidelines for the historic districts. They recently received a grant to do so and we are matching <br /> part of that grant. One (1) of the things we are very cognizant about is that we don't want to <br /> encourage the retrofitting of existing homes.That is part of the reason why that would be a special <br /> exception as part of this.That will mean that if someone wants to do it,there is a path,but it comes <br /> to you. I feel that is an important piece of that puzzle because there might be an opportunity where <br /> it is appropriate,but I think we don't want to encourage that. <br /> Mr. Divita stated, We do think, and we want to emphasize, that this is an important tool for infill <br /> development on vacant lots in the City. We want to make sure it stays consistent with the scale <br /> and character of the neighborhoods.Within our local historic districts,it is reviewed by the Historic <br /> Preservation Commission for new construction, as well. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated,Ms. Downs brought up a good point. If we pass this tonight,and later <br /> you are going to fix historic preservation. What happens if someone breaks ground tomorrow? <br /> What happens if someone wants to put up a four(4)-plex for infill right now? <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building.227W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p574.235.9221:f574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567 <br /> 7 <br />