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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott asked, For the record, how many trains pass through South Bend in <br /> twenty-four(24)hours? <br /> Dr. Boyles replied, I'm not sure. I know Northfolk Southern is ninety(90) trains. So, hopefully if <br /> you're on the west side, you've heard less trains. That company has more train traffic than the <br /> other two (2). <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, Every fourteen (14) minutes, we've had trains blowing whistles at <br /> all of those streets. Of course, there are studies out there. It is a detriment to children learning and <br /> the overall health and well-being of people. <br /> Committeemember Dr. Davis interjected, And people's sleep. My dreams have changed now. <br /> Dr. Boyles stated, In the press release,we also reminded residents to be aware that conductors and <br /> engineers always have the right to sound the train horn, in the case of an emergency. There are <br /> certain instances in which it is appropriate, they are just no longer allowed to recreationally make <br /> you aware that they are coming anymore. <br /> Committee Chair Broden asked, How is the safety of these changes analyzed? <br /> Dr. Boyles replied, Well, it is by the corridor itself. So, you have to take into account the entire <br /> corridor. There are established risk thresholds based on data that are based on how many accidents <br /> have occurred and how many trains that are moving through. The FRA actually helps put that data <br /> together. So,we can look at what the actual risk is, and we can access what types of improvements <br /> can minimize that risk. So, it's a formulated solution to help take that risk index down into an <br /> appropriate threshold. Once you're in that threshold, it could mean if you have five (5) crossings <br /> in a corridor, making one (1) large improvement to one (1) of the crossings that could bring that <br /> risk index down. Or, it could be doing five (5) very minor improvements that could also achieve <br /> the same result. That is how it is measured. <br /> Committee Chair Broden followed up, Going forward after they are implemented, that same <br /> evaluation process keeps kicking in? <br /> Dr. Boyles replied, Yes. I don't know how often they audit us. If something were to happen, such <br /> as a major accident,it might trigger them to reassess the risk factors and it could cause the numbers <br /> to change. I don't know how often we get audited. But, it is incident triggered. In fact, on the east <br /> side, we had made improvements to reestablish the quiet zone, again, I mentioned those concrete <br /> barriers and we are looking toward the future hoping we don't need the concrete barrier to open <br /> up access again, but in the meantime, there was an accident on the east side that changed the level <br /> of risk throughout that zone. So, now we have to accommodate for that as well. It was a parked <br /> vehicle on the train tracks that the train hit. <br /> Committee Chair Broden followed up, And a press release went out, announcing the June 17th <br /> accomplishment of the quiet zone established? <br /> Dr. Boyles replied, This morning it did, I believe. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 (574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 8 <br />