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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Committeemember Voorde stated, I think it was about the first term of the current Administration <br /> they used to do tax anticipation notes all the time. <br /> Mr. Parker replied,Yeah, and again,with the reserves we have,we just don't need to. We can save <br /> the interest costs from there. It's a good point then, because the next question is why do we issue <br /> debt?What are we supposed to be doing with this debt?And really to that point,we are not funding <br /> operations with debt. We don't do that, really ever. Our City policy on debt, which is brought <br /> before the Board of Finance, actually says the City will not use full-term borrowing to finance <br /> operating needs, except in the case of extreme financial emergency. So,we do not fund operations <br /> with debt. We do not issue tax anticipation notes or bond anticipation notes trying to fund <br /> operations. <br /> Committeemember Jo M. Broden arrived at the meeting at 5:36 p.m. <br /> He continued, What we do issue debt for is capital projects. There are two (2)reasons why we use <br /> debt to finance capital projects. The first(1St)is if the project is just too big and it would be a really <br /> big reduction in our reserves and it's just not prudent, financially, to finance that project with our <br /> reserves. The best examples of this are sewer projects. Sewer projects are really expensive. <br /> Generally,the reserve, even the level of reserve that you saw,waste water,won't be able to finance <br /> a $15, $20, $30 million sewer project. Lots of times we have to issue debt to try and supplement <br /> the reserves that we have. So, that's the first (1St) reason that we would issue debt for a capital <br /> project. <br /> Committeemember Voorde asked, What would be the advantage of the lease purchase over this <br /> borrowing otherwise? <br /> Mr. Parker replied, That's a great question. So, the lease purchase is the short-term, the five (5) <br /> year lease purchases really get to the second (2nd)reason. There would be two (2) advantages, but <br /> they really get to the second (2nd) reason. One (1) advantage would be if we could get an interest <br /> rate that would be below what we could earn in interest on our cash. So, let's say we could get an <br /> interest rate of one-point five percent(1.5%), and if we put our cash and our investments, we earn <br /> an interest rate of two percent (2%). Now, instead of spending that money out, we're actually <br /> earning a point-five percent (0.5%) build up because we have our cash-on-hand, we're earning <br /> interest in and we're spending out one-point five percent(1.5%). That would be one(1) reason. <br /> He continued, The other reason would be the second(211d)bullet on here(referencing a slide in the <br /> presentation), which is called Interperiod Equity. This is kind of a foundation of government <br /> finance and government accounting, this concept of Interperiod Equity. What that means is that <br /> taxpayers should fund the benefits that they receive in the year that they receive them. So, we <br /> shouldn't expect current taxpayers to pay for future benefits, and we shouldn't expect future <br /> taxpayers to pay for current benefits. So, the way that we do that with capital projects that we're <br /> building something that will last a long time, and benefit people for years in the future, if we use <br /> debt to finance that capital project, then we ensure that every year taxpayers are paying for the <br /> benefits that they receive in that year. So, your matching the benefits that you're providing to <br /> taxpayers with the tax revenue that comes in. That's really one (1) of the primary reasons, if not <br /> the primary reason that it's great to use debt to finance capital projects because it matches the debt. <br /> And the same holds true for capital leases. So, if we purchase a vehicle that we expect to use over <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 11 <br />