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REGULAR MEETING June 10, 2019 <br /> things but the broader that people are brought into the process, there needs to be the actionable <br /> pieces that should be a part of the planning and the readiness components. <br /> Councilmember Dr. Oliver Davis made a motion to adopt Bill No. 19-42. Councilmember Gavin <br /> Ferlic seconded this motion which carried by a roll call vote of eight(8) ayes. <br /> 19-43 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL <br /> OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, ENCOURAGING <br /> CONTINUED AND INCREASED PUBLIC <br /> ENGAGEMENT BETWEEN THE PUBLIC AND <br /> THE REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br /> Councilmember Gavin Ferlic, chair of the Community Investment Committee, reported that they <br /> met this afternoon and send this bill forward with a favorable recommendation. <br /> Councilmember Gavin Ferlic then made a motion to accept the Substitute version of Bill No. 19- <br /> 43. Councilmember Karen White seconded this motion which carried by a voice vote of eight (8) <br /> ayes. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden,201 West North Shore Drive,South Bend, IN,served as a presenter <br /> for this bill. Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated,There are just a couple of pieces on this,in terms <br /> of how it was put together. I want to thank our Attorney, Bob Palmer, and Councilmembers Karen <br /> White and Gavin Ferlic for their assistance. Then of course,the rest of the Council for entertaining <br /> this change, if you would, over the course of the past couple of years. We would like to formalize <br /> this request for this change and hope it might bring about some changes. In terms of the way it's <br /> constructed, we essentially wanted to use the resolution as a way to educate the public on some of <br /> the responsibilities of the Redevelopment Commission and what all the Redevelopment <br /> Commission is empowered to do. So, those are the first(1St) one (1) through seven (7) statements <br /> there, after the first (Pt) Whereas. Then, we wanted to talk a little bit about the role of Council <br /> relative to the Redevelopment Commission in the next areas. Then, routinely, the Redevelopment <br /> Commission and its staff, and the Department of Community Investment, provides reports to the <br /> Council and also participates in the budget process. So, there are opportunities where we receive <br /> documents and then those are publicly available, as well, on the City's website. I just wanted to <br /> acknowledge that in the resolution. So, we did that. So, that is the middle of the resolution, the <br /> reporting requirements. That gets very detailed. Items A through F regard the Tax Incremental <br /> Finance Districts. I think that was important to include because amongst members of the public, <br /> there are various levels of knowledge about TIF Districts and how those funds are utilized. So, <br /> hopefully embedding that helps clarify that. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden continued, After that item F, we go into about twelve (12) other <br /> short and quick Whereas statements. I would like to direct the Council to the changes, regarding <br /> the Substitute version. So,if you look at the first(1St)Whereas clause after that letter F, we deleted <br /> some language. It should read now, Whereas, the Redevelopment Commission has stated an <br /> expectation of having$28.4 million within its control during fiscal year 2019. It cuts the statement <br /> there and adds `and.' So, some deleted language in that first(1St) Whereas clause. If you scroll all <br /> the way down, kind of midway into that column, if you'd like to number them I think it goes all <br /> the way to twelve(12),but in this section of the seventh(7th) Whereas clause, I will read it. I think <br /> this does need to be emphasized in terms of the spirit of this resolution. Whereas, among stated <br /> priorities of each the Common Council, the City and the Redevelopment Commission, they are <br /> transparency,public engagement and the City's growth. Just to make sure that is emphasized,even <br /> though we are not reading the entire resolution,that is a very important Whereas clause. Then eight <br /> (8), or things continue down to the ninth (9th) section Whereas clause. This is actually being <br /> responsive to the feedback that we got at the Committee level from Mr. Dan Buckenmeyer. We <br /> thank him for his feedback. Council has taken his recommendation and we have changed it from <br /> 5:00 p.m. or later to 4:00 p.m. or later. So,that in our estimation will get around some of the issues <br /> regarding the difficulties for staff or perhaps the petitioners to attend and participate during their <br /> work day. I think that is a good compromise and certainly happy to incorporate that. I ask for <br /> Council's consideration of that change. <br /> 7 <br />