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CI"I Y OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Mr. Matthews replied,The agreement says we have to have a$27 million spend. Of which,we are <br /> probably spending $42 million. We are supposed to open one hundred and forty-four (144) <br /> apartments, a parking garage, and 30,000 square feet of retail commercial, I think? I would have <br /> to look at it. Of that, 15,000 is fourth(4th) floor office and then 15,000 and 5,000 is first(Pt) floor <br /> retail. Of that 15,000 square foot section, that is the space in conversations with Martin's that we <br /> wanted to designate as future grocery.Now,we are trying to find out if Spartan Nash doesn't move <br /> forward, how should we transition so we can still honor our commitment to provide a full-service <br /> grocery store in the neighborhood, but there is no definition of full-service grocery store. Going <br /> online there isn't a definition of a full-service grocery store. So, what does that actually mean? <br /> Committeemember Dr. Davis interjected, Wow. <br /> Mr. Matthews continued, We presented something to the Department of Community Investment <br /> following what the alcohol and tobacco companies require for a full-service grocery store. They <br /> came back with a document that you guys have that we've had a quick look at but seems a bit too <br /> restrictive. The agreement we have with the City does say that if we don't deliver the grocery store <br /> and pharmacy, the City can call back not just their$5 million in TIF but the extra$2.5 million. So, <br /> from the City being protected standpoint, there is a huge stick if we don't deliver of$7.5 million. <br /> So, we will open a grocery store even if we have to open one (1) ourselves. We don't want to do <br /> that, but we will honor that commitment. We are looking to have a conversation about what the <br /> expectations are for that. Further to complicate it, from 2016 when we started having the <br /> conversation until now, we have a four (4) month old child and we don't go to the grocery store <br /> anymore. We use Shipt and groceries get delivered. As the Amazon effect hits grocery stores, that <br /> seems to be happening more and more often. So, in the neighborhood, it seems like a smaller <br /> grocery store location makes sense. But, we may not have to have the full Meyer-Martin's. That <br /> was always the intent was to have a smaller scale store as opposed to the SR-23 and Ironwood <br /> Martin's. Now the question is, if Martin's isn't doing it and we end up finding another party, or <br /> end up providing it ourselves, what is the expectation? <br /> Committeemember Dr. Davis stated, I have a question. When is the deadline for Spartan Nash to <br /> get back to you? <br /> Mr. Matthews replied, There is no deadline. It is an open conversation. There is a letter of intent, <br /> stating they are interested, but not saying they are moving forward by a date. <br /> Committeemember Dr. Davis followed up, What role does the City play? Is it all up to you as an <br /> organization? <br /> Mr. Matthews replied, Our responsibility is to provide a grocery store and pharmacy with this <br /> development. The City's responsibility is to pay $5 million of TIF, which they are currently <br /> stalling. That is a frustration as a developer because it is not in their contract. <br /> Committeemember Dr. Davis then asked, Is Spartan Nash the only option? I know everything was <br /> strictly with Martin's and that stuff. Has there been any outreach to places like Kroger? <br /> Mr. Matthews replied,Yes, so, we have relationships with other grocery providers in the region to <br /> see if they are interested. We have heard no from some, and we've heard questions from others, <br /> but we have had no one jumping at the bit. If we did,we probably wouldn't be having this meeting. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 9 <br />