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REGULAR MEETING May 13, 2019 <br /> twenty-one dollars per hour ($17 - $21/hr.) They will pay about $32,000 in taxes during the <br /> abatement period. We will be abating about $26,000. The petitioner is here to speak on this, as <br /> well. <br /> Councilmember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to hear together, for purposes of public hearing, Bill <br /> Nos. 19-21 and 19-25. Councilmember Sharon L. McBride seconded this motion which carried by <br /> a voice vote of seven (7) ayes. <br /> 19-25 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE <br /> ADOPTION OF A DECLARATORY <br /> RESOLUTION DESIGNATING CERTAIN <br /> AREAS WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br /> INDIANA, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 5245 <br /> DYLAN DRIVE, SOUTH BEND, IN 46628 AS <br /> AN ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION AREA FOR <br /> PURPOSES OF A SEVEN (7) YEAR REAL <br /> PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENT FOR CBK <br /> LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC <br /> Dan Buckenmeyer, Director of Business Development for the Department of Community <br /> Investment with offices located on the 14`h floor of the County-City Building, South Bend, IN, <br /> served as the presenter for this bill. Mr. Buckenmeyer stated, As I previously mentioned, we are <br /> talking now about the building that will house the capital equipment we just spoke of. This is a <br /> $3.5 million investment for the petitioner. It adds 80,000 square feet to their existing facility with <br /> additional docks and so on. That results in a sixty-five percent (65%) increase in their storage <br /> capacity. They are a Michigan company but moved their logistics and warehousing facility here <br /> into South Bend in 2014. We are thrilled to see them expanding here and to support them. We <br /> hope for your ongoing support. We will be abating about $470,000 in taxes as this project phases <br /> in, but they will still pay about $118,000 on this portion of the building throughout that period,in <br /> addition to their other property taxes. Again, the petitioners are here if you are ready for them. <br /> Michael Hall, 5245 Dylan Drive, South Bend, IN, served as a petitioner for these bills. Mr. Hall <br /> stated, Thank you for your support and your commitment to us. South Bend, we've found, is a <br /> perfect location for our logistics and distribution facility. Especially in that logistics corridor on <br /> Cleveland Road and by US-31. These tax abatements will help us continue to grow our business <br /> in a powerful manor but, more importantly, it allows us to invest back into the community with <br /> additional jobs. As said, we are creating twelve (12) and we are also giving our team members <br /> tools to really bang out their career path. The construction aspect of this is going to be local. From <br /> contractors to materials, we are going to try the best we can to get it from this Michiana area. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden asked, Mr. Buckenmeyer, could you address past abatements with <br /> regard to this compliance with this petition, please? <br /> Mr. Buckenmeyer replied,Any time the Department of Community Investment looks at a potential <br /> petitioner for an abatement,we look back and see what their history is and if they've had any other <br /> abatements or anything else, in that regard. We vet these businesses and abatements very <br /> diligently. In this case, as I mentioned, Chase Plastics came in and built their existing facility and <br /> outfitted it with the assistance of tax abatement support from the City back in 2014. They have <br /> remained in compliance with those tax abatements over the years and they will continue. There is <br /> a year left in that real property tax abatement. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden followed up, Where would members of the public, or the Scout <br /> Troops that are here, look at those reports? Where could they find them, please? <br /> Mr. Buckenmeyer replied, I will have to get back to you on that. We have talked about that and <br /> I'm trying to find the exact location. We do an annual report, as you all know, to Council on tax <br /> abatements. It is that season right now. All of our existing companies who enjoy tax abatements <br /> are getting their compliance forms in. Their deadline is two (2) days from now and then our <br /> deadline, to report back to Council, is June 15`h. So, we will be doing a report back to Council, as <br /> we do every year. I'm guess it's on the web page, but I apologize not knowing off the top of my <br /> 3 <br />