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REGULAR MEETING May 13, 2019 <br /> Council Vice President Karen White stated, Thank you so much for your comments. We had an <br /> update from the Director of Public Works, Eric Horvath, and he did share with us some of that. He <br /> will be giving additional comments to the public. Thank you for sharing that with the Council. <br /> Richard Urda, 3104 Springbrook Drive, South Bend, IN, stated, I just want to say that Troop 111 <br /> appreciates the courtesy of the education the Council has given us tonight. It is typical of all of our <br /> experiences. Here, we want to thank especially the members of Council that aren't going to be <br /> with us as they complete their terms. Thank you for your service to our community,we very much <br /> appreciate it. For those of you returning, we look forward to hearing from you again in the not- <br /> too-distant future. <br /> Joe Sutherland Jr., 310 East Oakside Street, South Bend, IN, stated, I apologize, I got a haircut <br /> from the 80's. I have a petition for each one(1)of you and I have six(6)signatures on the petition. <br /> I would like to give it to your folks (available in the City Clerk's Office). At the same time, I've <br /> got some pictures I would like you folks to look at, if you would please(which are available in the <br /> City Clerk's Office). The petition is for, on Oakside, between Carrol and Fellows, there is only <br /> parking on one (1) side of the street. There are three (3) signs posted that say No Parking on the <br /> south side of the street. So, us folks have to use the alleyway to get to and from our homes. If we <br /> have company over,they have to use the alleyway as well. That being said,these six(6) signatures <br /> contemplate you all paving the alley between Carrol and Fellows Street. There is a picture in there <br /> on Prairie Avenue where one (1) of the alleys have been paved in the City of South Bend. I think <br /> it is a step that could benefit us all, especially the folks who live there that want to have visitors <br /> come over. It is an issue I have been dealing with for twenty(20) years. At the same time, for me, <br /> to ask you guys to invest, I believe I have to invest into my community to make it look nice, also. <br /> So, you'll see two (2)pictures of my home at 310. My wife and I have put brand new windows in <br /> about eight(8) years ago. That cost about$4,000. We also finished the front of our house last year <br /> and that cost us$6,000. So, I believe we are doing our part in making our neighborhood look good. <br /> I hope you guys consider this situation and paving of the alley. Initially, the City set up the <br /> development over there and they just didn't make the street wide enough for parking on both sides <br /> of the street. Lastly, I would like to assess a lot right across the street from my house. It is a vacant <br /> lot. There was a house there and the City did us well and they tore it down but that created an <br /> empty lot. This empty lot is going to sit there for a good thirty (30) or forty (40) years because I <br /> had a good friend of mine, who is an architect, tell me to put a house on that lot,just like mine <br /> would initially cost about $110,000. On my best day, I could sell my house for$80,000. Nobody <br /> is going to make that investment. I think that lot will sit open for thirty(30)years or so. If we could <br /> plant trees out there, have the City Arborist come out there and strategically plant trees, it would <br /> close the hole there, give fresh breathing air, and help people not notice the tall grass growing <br /> there. I've hit the City with five (5) phone calls because the grass was in excess of twelve (12) <br /> inches. Well if you've got four(4) foot trees there, you won't notice the grass. Thank you for your <br /> time. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated, There has been considerable discussion across the <br /> community about the South Bend Animal Care and Control Ordinance. Anybody who has been <br /> following this might be aware that it has been four (4) years in the works, I think. I suggest that <br /> this does fall under the Health and Public Safety Committee responsibilities and there will be <br /> several meetings,more than one(1),possibly two (2),because it is such a substantial change. That <br /> will be separate from a Council Meeting Monday. I have been in conversations with our Code <br /> Enforcement Department Director, Tracy Skibins, and we will try to calendar those dates to bring <br /> that forward in a real transparent and methodical way, so we can have a good community <br /> discussion on that and then the Council will be well-informed about those changes we are being <br /> asked to look at. Secondly, this is a request and I know Councilmember Davis is not here to affirm <br /> this, but for consideration on Bill No. 15-19, I think our community would benefit from having a <br /> separate meeting before it goes to the Area Plan Commission for their consideration. I think it is <br /> an Area Plan recommendation and I don't think Council has had much education or input on that <br /> actual piece. I think it is an important change that should be made but I think it would benefit the <br /> community if we actually had it presented at a Committee-level more thoroughly. <br /> Council Vice President Karen White instructed the City Clerk's Office to reach out to <br /> Councilmember Davis, chair of the Zoning and Annexation Committee, on behalf of <br /> 10 <br />