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REGULAR MEETING April 22, 2019 <br /> residents, we see the challenges have grown more complex and more urgent. So, must our <br /> responses be more direct,more comprehensive, and more quickly implemented. This resolution is <br /> a sensible next step for Council that builds on those past actions while rising to the seriousness and <br /> immediacy of a changing climate. This resolution was developed based on two(2)public hearings <br /> on climate science and climate policy from local experts, citizen testimony and feedback, review <br /> of more than a dozen other communities' climate legislation, review of policy recommendations <br /> from well-respected associations of local government, and a desire to collaborate closely with the <br /> Administration to develop goals and plans with the highest potential for success. This resolution <br /> will serve as a guidepost for future action by leaders on the Council, leaders in the Administration <br /> and leaders in the community. Thank you to Mayor Pete Buttigieg for his strong commitment and <br /> leadership, to Eric Horvath, the many Sustainability Office advisors, our steadfast youth leaders, <br /> countless active community members, each of you Council Members, and past members and staff <br /> for your tireless efforts to build a sustainable community where both our current and future <br /> residents can thrive. Thank you. <br /> Genevieve Miller, Deputy Chief of Staff for the Mayor of the City of South Bend with offices <br /> located on the 14th floor of the County-City Building, South Bend, IN, served as a presenter for <br /> this bill. Ms. Miller stated, On behalf of the Mayor, I want to thank the Common Council for <br /> convening two (2) public meetings and sponsoring this resolution. You've done more than <br /> spotlight the importance of climate action. You've demonstrated a clear commitment to seeing the <br /> work through. I also want to thank Therese Dorau for your diligent work, year round, as Director <br /> of Sustainability. Your efforts have guided this City towards a brighter future by overseeing <br /> projects like installing downtown electric vehicle charges, building two (2) LEAD-Certified fire <br /> stations,joining the Global Covenant of Mayors, and improving our public green spaces. Public <br /> action remains a Mayoral priority, and thanks to strong coordination between the Council and the <br /> Administration, we are living that commitment out each day. Thank you. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated, We ask for your favorable vote. <br /> Councilmember Jake Teshka stated, I would just like to reiterate something I said in Committee. <br /> That is, first(1st) of all, I think it is important for this to be bipartisan. There is only one (1) option <br /> here. Secondly, I think there are many folks in our community, our State and in our country, who <br /> might fall somewhere outside of this spectrum. We talked about this in Committee,but some folks <br /> might say, look, I don't know whether our actions are contributing to climate change or whether <br /> this is a cyclical thing, or what effect it has, and I think it is important to say we can find common <br /> ground just by way of the fact we share this space. We share this planet. I think this is something <br /> that people from all different kind of mindsets and starting points can get behind and say, yes, we <br /> can do a better job as a City and as a community in the way we care for our planet and in the things <br /> that we do. I would just invite those that may look at the title of this resolution and hear the things <br /> we've been talking about and maybe instinctually have a fearful reaction, to please embrace this. <br /> Embrace this process as we move through this.This is a process.There will be further debate down <br /> the road in terms of actual policy and ordinances and things we do from here. So,we can certainly <br /> have a much more robust debate on that,but I think this is something that,together as a community, <br /> whether you're Republican, Democrat, Independent or somewhere else on the spectrum, this is <br /> something we can get behind and say we want to have a better and cleaner community for our <br /> children, grandchildren and those that come after us. Thirdly, I've heard a couple times through <br /> this process, what is little South Bend going to do about Climate Change when you have actors <br /> like China in the world, putting out all of these emissions and all of these things. I would respond <br /> to those folks, with that type of mentality, nothing would get done ever in this world. There has to <br /> be communities like ours, people who take that first (1st) or second (2nd) step and build on that <br /> momentum. For any movement or any good thing to get done, it's not easy but it's worth <br /> accomplishing. We have to take a step out in faith and do what we can do and do the things we <br /> have power over. So, I would ask Council for a favorable vote on this resolution as well. <br /> Councilmember Karen White stated, As a co-sponsor, again, it is my honor to be so. I would like <br /> to thank the Office of Sustainability, Therese, that overview really was so important because it <br /> also points to the work that had been done up to this point. So, I really appreciate that, all the work <br /> that has gone before and the work that will be coming before us. I would also like to recognize <br /> former Councilmember Randy Kelly. He had a passion to move forward on this and I would like <br /> 8 <br />