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REGULAR MEETING April 22, 2019 <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> There was no new business. <br /> PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br /> Bill Stranz, 1818 South Olive Street, South Bend, IN, stated,I own Bill's Body Shop. The Mayor's <br /> secretary, I talked to her after the last meeting. She said she was going to look into my problem <br /> and talk to the City Engineer. It took a day or two (2) and he finally contacted me saying he was <br /> going to do something. That has been almost two(2)weeks ago. He finally got back with me today <br /> after I talked to the Mayor's secretary for the first (1St) time since the last time. She evidently <br /> contacted the City Engineer who said he's still studying it and they are going to do something. He <br /> called me back and left a message on the phone. That was probably about 1:00 p.m. or 1:30 p.m., <br /> I was out to lunch. I tried to call him back and I realize what today is, couldn't get any more <br /> responses. I'm going to be out of town from tomorrow morning until Saturday evening. So, he <br /> probably won't have any more comments for me and I won't be able to be around. So, if I don't <br /> hear anymore, I guess, see you at the next Council meeting. But it seems like I'm not getting very <br /> much response. I also had Right-Of-Way Jones get on me, again, today. He made his call from <br /> Fort Wayne. He's been after me to sign off on these papers. I did fax him a copy of the estimates <br /> for moving the fence back and also for paving the lot. I don't know what kind of paving they want. <br /> Also, I have a bill here for putting in a guard fence for the dog that's in the shop to keep the dog <br /> in. I have estimates on all three (3) of those. I faxed them down to him and he said he was going <br /> to fax them to the City. That's as far as that got, so, I don't know really at this point,what is going <br /> on. Also, between the driveway that goes into the shop and the driveway that goes into the side <br /> lot,there is a twenty-five(25)foot span. I would appreciate it if he would put at least a place where <br /> you could take a vehicle in there and unload it. We have stuff coming in from the suppliers and <br /> dealers and they always park in front of the shop. They unload and bring the stuff in. When they <br /> get done, there will be no parking anywhere on the street. That is my problem. I appreciate what <br /> you can do and hopefully we can get something resolved before too long. They are already out <br /> there marking the street off. Thank you. <br /> Jason Banicki, 3822 West Ford Street, South Bend, IN, stated, I won't be able to be at the budget <br /> kickoff Wednesday, so I would like to express my top priority. As I've gone far and wide across <br /> the sixth(6th)District, I've seen and heard one(1) constant cry from my residents over there. They <br /> want to see a traffic division back in the Police Department. Every neighborhood deals with <br /> reckless driving and we shouldn't have to wait until it results in the death of a child. We used to <br /> have a Traffic Division. People drove slower when they got tickets. It's not brain surgery we are <br /> performing here. We have to find the resources for a traffic division to help improve residents' <br /> quality of life. <br /> Jennifer Betz, 23150 Roosevelt Road, South Bend, IN, stated, I'm here because right now the <br /> County is planning a 22,000-acre mega industrial complex on farm land. It might seem like that is <br /> a County issue and not a City issue except it sits on our aquafer. It will increase a lot of truck <br /> traffic. It will have a huge impact on the infrastructure, so, I'm really concerned about it and a lot <br /> of residents are really concerned about it. The problem is, the other towns and cities in the county <br /> aren't really speaking up. There were multiple people here tonight who talked about what <br /> economic development is supposed to be. We can't fight climate change unless we have a new <br /> idea of economic development. There has been some wonderful talk by candidates about inclusive <br /> economic development and I would say that has to actually be about human communities and non- <br /> human communities. It has to be sustainable. Right now, if our economic developments offices on <br /> the City and county level are not re-envisioning what economic development is, all of your hard <br /> work is not actually going to pay off. There are cities in the United States, Fort Collins, Colorado, <br /> where the economic development office actually sits under the sustainability office. It isn't <br /> separate or on top of it, it is actually underneath the sustainability office. There is so much this <br /> City could do to really lead the way about economic development being for people and the plant <br /> and not just for profit. I ask you, going forward, to be a louder voice in these conversations. <br /> Everything that is happening on the County level is intimately affecting us. Not just through our <br /> air but possibly water. So, thank you. <br /> 16 <br />