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REGULAR MEETING April 22, 2019 <br /> this resolution we could also state, and bring honor to South Bend, working toward a complete <br /> sanction of the butchering the Brazilian Rainforest. The rainforest is being cutdown for, number <br /> one (1), to grow soybeans to feed factory farming. Number two (2), they are butchering these <br /> forests to graze cows. So, South Bend could take a lead amongst all these communities. It would <br /> be an honorable lead to at least mention a sanction of butchering the Brazilian Rainforest. Thank <br /> you very much. <br /> Bill Stranz, 1818 South Olive Street, South Bend, IN, stated, Almost every environmentalist <br /> complains about the pollution in the air. I'm yet to understand how the City of South Bend can tie <br /> up traffic on days, everyday when people are getting out of or going into work, for instance, if you <br /> go down Lincolnway around 3:30 p.m., or so,the traffic is backed up from downtown South Bend <br /> almost all the way to the airport, bumper to bumper, going from one (1) stoplight to the next <br /> stoplight and very seldom do you get three(3) or four(4) cars through a stoplight at time. I would <br /> like to know how you can claim that this is good for the environment. You also have the same <br /> problem going north and south, and on most of the smart streets that are in the outlining areas. <br /> Thank you. <br /> Malachiah Dotson, 1006 East Campeau, South Bend, IN, stated, I want to talk about how Earth is <br /> suffering from climate change. Littering and people throwing trash outside, out of their car <br /> windows, throwing wrappers, affects the animals and water. The City's actions on climate change <br /> are important to keep our Earth clean and make it a better place. Thank you. <br /> Sincere Hopkins,226 North Wellington Street, South Bend,IN, stated, I want to talk about climate <br /> change. It's also decreasing the population of our important species of animals.Another important <br /> thing about climate change is smoking cigarettes. It causes a lot of pollution and messes up the air <br /> for animals and the people that have asthma. So, I think maybe we should ban cigarettes from now <br /> on. Thank you. <br /> Jackie Brebeck, 1855 Vaness Street, South Bend, IN, stated, I really just want to state how happy <br /> I am. I don't know if you guys saw but just sitting here and hearing it be read out loud, and hearing <br /> all the Council Members' comments, and seeing how much dedication has been put into writing <br /> this resolution and how much dedication is to come in this resolution, has been making me smile <br /> right up here. I hope you've been seeing it because it is thanks to you guys that I am smiling like <br /> this. I love to see the dedication. I love to see the timeline. This is a huge undertaking as many <br /> people have mentioned. It is inclusive and covers many different sectors such as transportation and <br /> food. But, I see the dedication and I see the clear timeline in the resolution and that makes me <br /> really happy. So, you all heard enough serious stuff from me at the other meetings, so I thought I <br /> would just say that today. Thank you, so much. <br /> Beth Sanford, 1013 North St. Peter Street, South Bend, IN, stated, One(1), thank you and Happy <br /> Earth Day! Also, Happy Dyngus Day! I want to thank you all, especially the three (3) Council <br /> Members, for putting together this resolution. I am an architect and way back in college in the late <br /> 1980's and early 1990's, I studied sustainable design as well as I worked for the Center for Energy <br /> Research and Educational Studies. Way back then, global warming was the huge thing and now it <br /> is climate change. Within that timeframe, it has just gotten worse. I think this resolution will open <br /> up doors to also start looking at how we do economic development and growth in the City. Not <br /> only within the City but areas already zoned Light Industrial, we can start bringing in businesses <br /> and look at LEAD-Certified buildings.We also have to look at giving tax abatements to companies <br /> that meet certain criteria to be able to design and build buildings that are LEAD-Certified. As well, <br /> it could open up the doors to other practices that the government uses whether it is recycling or <br /> other areas more. I applaud you for doing this and I look forward to what this may bring in the <br /> future, especially for my children. Thank you. <br /> Jason Banicki-Critchlow, 3822 Ford Street, South Bend, IN, stated, I've spent years here coming <br /> and advocating to protect our parks. Whether it was River Park, when they wanted to build the <br /> new Fire Station at Potawatomi Park or when we tried to sell off Elbel Park. Well, it doesn't do us <br /> a lot of good to protect those parks if we don't protect the environment with which we have to <br /> enjoy those parks. I think this is an absolute must. I also think it is easy for us to get lost in the <br /> abstract of this. I think it is important to remember that we've faced some very real consequences <br /> of climate change in South Bend over the last two (2) years with a one hundred (100) year storm <br /> 12 <br />