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REGULAR MEETING April 22, 2019 <br /> Laura Wall, 17120 Killarney Court, Granger, IN, stated, I speak as Dr. Phil Sakimoto's <br /> collaborator and co-instructor in the original Notre Dame course in sustainability that originally <br /> drafted this proposal. I can't tell you what it means to me to see, over two (2) years later, this <br /> proposal has finally come to a vote through all of the efforts of so many people who are here today. <br /> I can't say strongly enough how important addressing climate change is for the future of all of us, <br /> individually and collectively, for all reasons articulated in the accompanying report. Action taken <br /> now by the Common Council will not only encourage a City-wide ethic of care for our environment <br /> and for each other,but it will set South Bend apart as a true national leader and a dynamic City on <br /> the frontlines of the future. I want to add, in designing our original proposal over two (2) years <br /> ago, Professor Sakimoto and I carefully weighed whether to propose a non-binding resolution, <br /> which seemed easier, or a binding ordinance, which seemed like a heavy lift. We did agree that a <br /> binding ordinance was the best pathway because we have no time to lose. Even Tom Friedman <br /> wrote last week in the New York Times because for the environment, later is too late. Later is <br /> officially over. The window for effective action is closing too fast. The science is clear. Climate <br /> scientists, worldwide, speak with one (1) voice. The consequences of inaction or of insufficient <br /> action are already devastating and will soon be much worse. Action taken now can help prevent <br /> the worst-case scenarios from becoming the reality our grandchildren face every day. The reality <br /> is the students in our class today will inherit from us the inevitable consequences of the physical <br /> and political infrastructure that we are creating today. Given this, I am all the more grateful the <br /> South Bend Common Council is bringing to a vote real action for climate recovery. I urge you to <br /> vote in favor of this resolution. Further, I also urge you to agree to revisit the climate resolution at <br /> the end of 2019 and consider upgrading it to an ordinance. Only the force of law, not the however <br /> well-meaning wishes of a resolution, will catalyze the system-wide change we must generate. <br /> Change that none of us individually, no matter how dedicated, can generate alone. I thank you all <br /> for taking so seriously your responsibility to give our children and grandchildren a real chance at <br /> a livable world. Thank you. <br /> Zachary Veazie, 56828 Hollywood Boulevard, South Bend, IN, stated, I just want to start out by <br /> saying that I am so grateful the Council is voting on this. I am grateful for the actions being taken <br /> today and I hope that you all vote in favor of it. However, while it is a great start, it's an expressed <br /> commitment by the City Council to support climate change work but there needs to be institutional <br /> change. The City should look at amending the tax abatement ordinance in such a way that <br /> businesses only received tax breaks if they solarize their business, invest in green technologies or <br /> invest in the green initiatives in this City. I think this is progress but there needs to be more done <br /> because I am currently living in a world where I'm not sure if I should be having children because, <br /> honestly, what is the point if there could be an inevitable apocalypse within my lifetime? Thank <br /> you. <br /> Steve Francis, 54174 Juday Lake Drive, South Bend, IN, stated, Good evening. Happy Earth Day! <br /> Happy Dyngus Day! I'm speaking on behalf of the nation's largest environmental organizations <br /> in the Sierra Club. I'm an elected member of the State Board of Directors and live here locally. On <br /> behalf of our 10,000 members in Indiana and more than 1,000 in the Michiana area, some of whom <br /> are in the audience, we support wholeheartedly this resolution. I commend and thank you for <br /> putting this together, especially the hard work of the three (3) sponsors and co-sponsors. And, all <br /> of the people that have come especially the kids and the students who have shown they care about <br /> their future and we should too. Climate change is real. It exists. It is human-caused. We are all part <br /> of the problem and, thus, we all have to be part of the solution. If we are going to set up a future <br /> that our next generations can follow and live in, in a sustainable way, then we have to act now. I <br /> commend you in terms of the resolution as it is stated. Last fall, the Sierra Club was involved in <br /> the integrated resource planning of the utilities in our Northern Indiana area. NIPSCO made a <br /> major announcement which shook the utility world in Indiana as well as making national news. <br /> They are going to retire their old fossil fuel plants earlier than scheduled and they are replacing <br /> them entirely with renewable energy. I hope that we can, this year, do the same in terms of our <br /> utility, Indiana&Michigan Power,which you played a role in,in terms of persuading and coaxing <br /> to retire the Rockport Coal Plant in southern Indiana. The Sierra Club has been involved in it with <br /> a consent decree for a dozen years or so. I can't speak to that right now but there is news coming <br /> on that front. I hope you play a role in the future in making sure that our utility provides clean, <br /> reliable,renewable energy and electricity for the City of South Bend. On a personal note,I installed <br /> 10 <br />