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CITY OFSOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> developing a new model for our traffic signals. The school zone flashing beacons, this project is <br /> now under design. This is an LPA project as well. This receives ninety-ten (90/10) funding. We <br /> just initiated a professional services agreement for these signs. We have a list of schools and I can't <br /> remember the number off the top of my head, but I can get you that. We estimate that the <br /> construction won't start until the spring of 2022. That's when the funding becomes available by <br /> MACOG. In that year,we will have$750,000 for this work.We are also moving through the River <br /> Bank Stabilization Project over by Yukon and Riverside. This is funded eighty percent (80%) by <br /> an IDNR Lake and River Enhancement Grant. We just completed the feasibility study and we <br /> actually have applied now for the design. This project continues to move forward, looking at our <br /> options. The Lincolnway East Corridor Improvements, you've probably seen that we finished that <br /> project last fall with respect to moving the curb. The State is ramping up to complete the <br /> replacement of the pavement throughout that corridor. I believe they are starting in Mishawaka <br /> and then moving toward South Bend. They are coming through and then restripe to go back to our <br /> same four (4) lane section. We are actually going to put a pause on this project in order to take a <br /> step back. There were some conversations with Mishawaka with respect to how they are changing <br /> lane configurations throughout the corridor. We are going to take a step back and do a Master Plan <br /> and look at the entirety of the section from Michigan all the way to Ironwood,just to update traffic <br /> volume and really get an idea of what the appropriate configuration should be through there. <br /> Committeemember Broden asked, Does that include bike lines, or not? <br /> Ms. Boyles replied, There is a proposed section, yes. <br /> Ms. Boyles continued,Alright, so the Coal Line Trail is ongoing.Again,that is still a two(2)phase <br /> project and we are still in the design phase of this, but just wanted to highlight that it continues to <br /> move forward. Ewing and Fellows, we are anticipating bidding out the traffic signal <br /> improvements. This is one (1) of the oldest signals in the City at present. It still has a mechanical <br /> controller which Roger refers to as a museum piece. So, that will be a nice upgrade to that <br /> intersection. Again, we are working on some more small drainage projects. We have a couple <br /> projects. Overlook Court and other residential neighborhoods are looking at design and <br /> constructions later this year. That is always dependent on our budget and how far we can get with <br /> what we have. That will be paid for using storm water fees. <br /> Mr. Horvath announced, We will email this presentation to the Council Members, so you have a <br /> copy of it. It will also be online, so it is accessible to the public, as well. <br /> Mr. Buckenmeyer stated, All Council Members should be on the email list and should be getting <br /> emails for the Redevelopment Commission and they should be receiving full development packets, <br /> prior to every meeting. We did add, as an additional item, the target district for every project so <br /> that as you look through it, you can see if a project is in your district. Please let us know if you are <br /> not receiving those. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde then opened the floor to members of the public. <br /> Sue Kesim, 4022 Kennedy Drive, stated, I'm curious, is the lane mile cost still $100,000 per lane <br /> mile? <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 9 <br />