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January 8, X07 ~munity ~~d Economic Dev~~apment C~r~r~ittee Meeting M~n~tes <br />gage ~ <br />in response to questions from Council Mer~ber Pfeifer Mr, Meyer stated that a total of <br />seven ~~}doctors gill be moved to the neuv location. There gill be primary care medical <br />services and specialty medical services at both the do~rnto~rn location and the Portage- <br />Brick location. <br />In response to a quetian frara Council Member Puz~ello, Mr, Meyer stated that doctors <br />v~rill be coring frarn t~ua ~~} of the satellite offices v~rhich are currently being leased. <br />In response to questions from Council Member irsits, Mr, Deahl stated dirt has been <br />roved at the site but no foundation ar building improvements have started. It vuas <br />Hated that ~ building permit ryas cancelled tv make sure that the praect ~vauld qualify, <br />He noted that an additia~al 4g,g~~ v~rill have to be spent in light of the sail conditions at <br />this location. <br />Mayor Luecke spoke in favor of the requested abatement, Hating that the South fiend <br />Clinic has been a great corporate citizen and that he looks farutirard to goad health care <br />services throughout the city. <br />There uwras no one present to speak in apparition to the ~ill~ <br />Council Member Pu~~ella noted that the South lend Clinic her l~vys been ~ greet <br />neighborhood. She then made motion, seconded by Council Member belly that Bili <br />Na. g~-g~ be recan~nended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br />~liceltaneo~ Buine~: <br />Mayan Luecke announced that there ~rould be a forum on January , ~ggl at T p~m. at <br />the Minority Health Clinic at LaSalle Square on vacant housing. <br />D~.1larner suggested that an email an this topic be sent to the Council. <br />Dr, Varner also Hated that nary ilot has requested to address the Council through the <br />Public Uvork and Property Vacation Corn~ittee on energy stirrings programs, It vua <br />suggested that the Committee meet on Thursday, January ~~, g0~ t :~5 p,m, an this <br />t a p I Y A <br />There being no furkher business to came before the Can~~nittee, Council Member Dieter <br />adjourned the meeting at ~:gD p. ~~ <br />x <br />~erpectfully submitted; ~ ~ ~ ,,'s ~~~ r~ . <br />Council Member Derek ~: Dieter, Chairperson <br />Carrunity and conor~ic Develaprent Committee <br />Attachments <br />