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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Now <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, Thank you. <br /> Mr. Parker went on, Like I said, this is probably the most significant issue that we are facing from <br /> a revenue perspective but it's not the only one(1). As I mentioned, I did want to talk briefly as this <br /> could be another two (2) hour discussion on this issue about the Medicaid Supplemental Payment <br /> Adjustment. This is a program that our Fire EMS participates in and the essentials of the program <br /> are that the State and the Federal Government recognizes that the Medicaid reimbursements that <br /> we receive from our ambulance runs aren't covering the costs to provide them. What the State and <br /> Federal Government do is they assess our actual cost of providing those services and give us a <br /> supplemental payment to cover the difference between what they reimbursed us and our actual <br /> cost. Historically, as this graph shows, this supplemental payment was north of a million dollars. <br /> One(1)year it was up around$1.8 million back in 2014, over the past three(3) years this has been <br /> around $400,000-$500,000. So, there is a pretty significant decrease in the amount that we have <br /> been receiving for the program. The causes for this are again not getting too deep into it, there are <br /> two (2) basic ways that Medicaid recipients participate in Medicaid. It's either through traditional <br /> Medicaid in which the State directly pays for their claims or through what is called Managed Care <br /> Medicaid in which the State pays a third (3rd) party insurance company. The Managed Care <br /> Medicaid, we do not receive this supplement payment that is covered by Managed Care Medicaid. <br /> We only receive this supplemental payment from patients covered by traditional Medicaid. As <br /> more and more patients move from traditional Medicaid to Managed Care Medicaid,this payment <br /> is expected to continue to decrease. That is actually a targeted intentional move by the State to <br /> move more patients to Managed Care Medicaid because it's less expensive for the State. There is <br /> an argument out there that it improves quality for the patient and other types of things. <br /> Committeemember Jo M. Broden asked, You said the difference in the cost for us to make those <br /> runs, is there any tweaking on the cost side on our side? <br /> Mr. Parker answered, We actually put together a cost report. We contract with a consultant from <br /> Blue In Company to help us do that. It's fairly formulaic and it's Medicare driven. You have to be <br /> very careful and track your cost for how much it actually costs to run the ambulance service. <br /> There's not much tweaking we can do in it, which is intentional because they don't want people <br /> to ramp up costs so that they get more reimbursement money. <br /> Committeemember Broden asked, Is that in terms of who actually serves on that call? Is that also <br /> pretty standardized to actually get to a qualified level of reimbursement? Do you see what I am <br /> asking? <br /> Mr. Parker clarified, In terms of who actually goes to the patient? I do know that the Fire <br /> Department is working very hard on changing their staffing model and the goal there is to reduce <br /> the cost,put only the people who need to be on the scene,on the scene unless a higher-level person, <br /> say, a lead paramedic is needed,then they can use J-Star. I don't know if that is specifically driven <br /> by this, but it is an effort to reduce cost in response to lowering the reimbursement. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis asked, Along those same lines, do you route the change in terms of <br /> the people traveling to be rushed to Saint Joseph Hospital versus Memorial Hospital which has <br /> added more time and distance to driving to Saint Joseph Hospital out in Mishawaka? Do we even <br /> take people out of State lines? Does that make sense? <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f574.235.9173 j <br /> 5 <br />