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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Committeemember White asked, Are we talking about a resolution or an ordinance? <br /> Committee Chair Broden replied,At this time,we are going for a resolution with the understanding <br /> we may have separate ordinances per the consultant's work. <br /> Committeemember White followed up, I think when you look at the language when you are asking <br /> what you are asking, it's confusing. I also do like the background information in regard to what <br /> the Administration and Council have done previously. I want to make sure we have clarity on what <br /> is being asked of the Council. The goal is moving toward an ordinance after we have the data to <br /> support it. <br /> Committeemember Voorde stated, As the 2020 budget is put together, some of this will be <br /> reflected in there. <br /> Ms. Dorau replied, Correct. We will have preliminary results from our consultant in June. <br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston stated, I would like to say thank you. I mean, this is <br /> beautiful in terms of putting together a resolution and getting it to us in advance. It's fantastic. <br /> Thank you. <br /> Committee Chair Broden replied, The public process was huge in going through those hearings, <br /> but Therese's talents are just overflowing. What I really want to direct everyone's attention to but <br /> in terms of this direction for resolution, I think this is a great way to present it prior to actually <br /> seeing on the day-of. We want to make sure it resonates with what you've heard at the meetings <br /> we've attended. I do see this as a Phase One (1) and then, you know, Phase Two (2) and Phase <br /> Three (3). Also, it will be integrated within the budget process. But I do think with regard to the <br /> commitment side, one(1) of my big concerns, if I could share, is how we are going to sustain that <br /> commitment over a multi-year timeframe and changes in Administration and Council. If we could, <br /> in some way, tee this up now and embed the commitment now with the understanding there will <br /> be more tough decisions to come but have within this sort of well thought out plan that gets at the <br /> greatest impact on greenhouse gas reduction. So, those tougher questions will come down the line <br /> and of course the dollars and the asks to follow that, this is really the easy part. But, I don't want <br /> to get lost in the language,but I wanted to focus more on, as a Council,the Resolve. Can we safely <br /> state this? Can we state more? Or, does this hit it? And, knowing that this is just one (1) part and <br /> there will be more to come that is more pointed action. It certainly won't be me sitting in this seat, <br /> but others will be. So, I do think the need was resounding. I mean, people came to us. It was very <br /> well done. I really am interested in this lead role because I think with our state of Indiana, they <br /> have a long way to go in this. If a City our size can get to a place that is actionable that has great <br /> outcomes and that hits its goals, I think we can provide a pathway for others to jump on. I really <br /> would like this Council to have the, having gone through the process thus far and with the public <br /> record that exists with the very talented staff and the supportive Administration and leadership in <br /> the Administration on this, I really think we can hit this and do really good. <br /> Ms. Dorau stated, If you have comments, you can inter-office mail me. Or, you can give them to <br /> Councilmember Broden. However it gets to me, I will be sure to incorporate your comments. <br /> Committeemember Voorde stated, A lot of this initiative came from students. They will move on, <br /> too,but do you think that commitment is there from those institutions as an ongoing basis? <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building',227W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend.Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567 <br /> 6 <br />