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REGULAR MEETING April 8, 2019 <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis interjected, Ms. O'Sullivan, is there any light you can share with us <br /> regarding where we are because I've been getting questions on that. <br /> Laura O'Sullivan, Chief of Staff to the Mayor of the City of South Bend with offices located on <br /> the 14th floor of the County-City Building, South Bend, IN, replied, I do not have an update on <br /> that.The latest update can be provided by the minutes of the meeting with Pam Meyer in the Health <br /> and Public Safety Committee. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis interjected, Is there any way you can provide us a fresh update <br /> regarding what has gone on? Given the comments from the media, the comments and everything <br /> else, where we are today, what has been done so people can make a public statement on that? <br /> Basically, it's been said it was closed, they created Tent City, and the City wiped all that out, it <br /> has created this whole turn around and rumble as you are probably aware of. So, what can we do <br /> to be proactive? I know in our whole conversation on weather amnesty we had before, we were <br /> getting everything done prior to the June or July date. <br /> Ms. O'Sullivan replied, We can get an update on that. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis interjected, I appreciate that. How soon can we expect that? <br /> Ms. O'Sullivan replied, Maybe two (2) days? <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis stated, Thanks, I appreciate it. I'm at peace. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated, I would like to just bring the public up to date with a climate <br /> resolution. Councilmember Teshka, the chair of the Utilities Committee, and myself as chair of <br /> Health and Public Safety, will be bringing forward to the Council on Monday, April 22nd at the <br /> 7:00 p.m. meeting, relative to some early steps we would like Council and leadership to look at. <br /> To that,we had a presentation in Committee today from Therese Dorau,the Director of the Office <br /> of Sustainability, and she provided a PowerPoint presentation. We hope to have that live and <br /> available under the Council Initiatives portion of our website webpage and also individuals can <br /> get ahold of it by contacting any one(1)of their Council Members as well. If I might,just quickly <br /> solicit, we are looking for input on what was presented today within the context of the Committee <br /> meeting. Basically, it was an outline of what Council is considering and we are entertaining input <br /> from the community on that. So, you can contact any one (1) of the chairs of the Committees as <br /> well as your own Council Member. That document will hopefully be online tomorrow as well as <br /> the two (2) additional handouts given to Council. One (1) is from our Urban Sustainability <br /> Directors Network. It is Appendix A,USDN GHG Reduction High Impact Practices. So,basically, <br /> greenhouse gas reduction high-impact practices are something that could inform the discussions <br /> going forward, both at the Council and community level. And then a second (2nd) document <br /> handout,the United States Conference of Mayors and the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, <br /> the Alliance for a Sustainable Future. There is a quick four (4) or five (5) page document, again, <br /> that could also inform our discussions leading into the April 22nd request from Council to pass a <br /> resolution relative to climate change impact. The entire public record will be rounded out, <br /> including the minutes from the February 18th meeting and the February 27th meeting. I would like <br /> to expressly thank, on behalf of my Committee, Graham Sparks and the Clerk's Office for all of <br /> their work. And, the Sustainability Office and, particularly, Therese Dorau and Eric Horvath for <br /> all of your support and leadership on this issue here to date. I look forward to our April 22nd <br /> meeting and our consideration as Council on this. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> There was no new business. <br /> PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br /> Rod Goodchild, 837 South 24th Street, South Bend, IN, stated, I'm right next to Potawatomi Park. <br /> He handed out documents to the Council Members which are available in the City Clerk's Office. <br /> Mr. Goodchild stated, I come today to thank everyone on this panel, these Council Members. I <br /> 18 <br />