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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> number of the things on this list were purposefully left off of the DNR list for that reason. This is <br /> much to the disappointment of any ecologists who feel it should have been much more inclusive. <br /> So, there are two (2) sides to this story. Some ecologists are disappointed the list isn't more <br /> comprehensive and others look at it as being a foot in the door to try and get more things done. <br /> He continued, Fast forward to the page after that, we have the Knox County Ordinance 11-2018. <br /> Not to be confused with the City of Knox, Knox County is in the extreme southwest of Indiana. <br /> Knox County went ahead and created their own ordinance via their County Commission. Theirs is <br /> much more inclusive of the full invasive species list. I've included all of the ordinance for that as <br /> well. It spans everything from this invasive species list that has either a high or a medium risk. So, <br /> that is what got us here today. The way the EAC has written this proposed ordinance is prohibiting <br /> all of the species on the official invasive species list from being planted or sold within the City <br /> limits. South Bend would become the first (1st) City in Indiana to do anything like this. Also, the <br /> first (1st) entity at all in Indiana if we were to ban all of the officially listed plants and not just the <br /> high and medium plants. So, that is what got us there today. At the end of the first (1st) page <br /> following the cover page, we talk about the benefits versus the setbacks. The setbacks include a <br /> possible kick-back from the nursery trade and the landscaping industry. Last Friday, I reached out <br /> to a colleague who is the Soil and Water Conservation District Educator for Knox County. He was <br /> the person who was the driving force behind their new ordinance. It hasn't gone into effect yet, <br /> but the ordinance has been passed. I asked him how things were going with the public opinion of <br /> that ordinance. His reply was that the public has been overwhelmingly supportive and virtually <br /> only one(1)nursery said anything about it.That is where we are at and I would be happy to answer <br /> any questions you may have. <br /> Committee Chair McBride stated,Thank you for the update,Mr. Sass.The draft ordinance is being <br /> looked at by Legal right now before we move forward on it. <br /> Councilmember Broden asked, Did Knox County's ordinance include land-based and aquatic? <br /> Mr. Sass replied, That is a good question. I don't know if it is aquatic. It is for sure terrestrial and <br /> they don't make a distinction, as it appears. It looks to be all of them. <br /> Councilmember Broden followed up,And there is nothing that precludes us from saying,as a City, <br /> we cannot ban this? <br /> Mr. Sass replied, I do not believe so. <br /> Councilmember Broden stated, So, the sooner we do it, the better. <br /> Mr. Sass stated, As they say, the best time to plant a tree was twenty(20) years ago. <br /> Councilmember Broden then asked, And you said there is not a compliance piece to this? What <br /> would be in ours? <br /> Mr. Sass replied, So, Chapter Nine (9) Section Nineteen (19) has a lot more detail than what I <br /> included on enforcement of that Code. The Knox County Ordinance started from scratch. They <br /> actually set up a Commission to oversee this and they talk about penalties. Not being a lawyer, I <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION , EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld ISouth Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221!f574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567 <br /> 8 <br />