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•CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> invitation. This is not a public meeting, but, always want to have the Council join if you are <br /> available. We have our all-staff meeting. We do this once a year where we bring one hundred and <br /> fifty(150)or so people together in one(1)room to see what's going on. If we have a minute at the <br /> end, I will show you a graphic of where this came from. If I may, I will just use your agenda for <br /> the guide of the day. Corey is not here yet, but I do expect him to be, so we will come back to the <br /> youth mowing and will bring up John Martinez to hit on a couple of the initial projects. <br /> John Martinez, Director of Facilities and Grounds for Venues, Parks & Arts with offices located <br /> at 1020 High Street, stated, Going through the few items on the agenda, one (1) is an update on <br /> Randolph Park. It is on the south east side of South Bend. It is a small park and what we consider <br /> a pocket park. Currently the park is bisected by Sampson Street (referencing a slide in a <br /> presentation which is available in the City Clerk's Office). We recently went through the Board of <br /> Public Works process and with Engineering's assistance to vacate that street to join the two (2) <br /> halves of the parks together. Currently, we are showing upgrades. We are going to remove all of <br /> the outdated equipment that is either due to the life expectancy of the equipment or safety concerns. <br /> The street is still present now. Some of the things we would like to do is look at potentially adding <br /> a pavilion. Across the street is a retention pond. We are looking at putting something like a soccer <br /> goal there. We're looking at adding a basketball court, as well. Originally, we proposed putting a <br /> pavilion down the center with an adjoining sidewalk once the street is removed, but currently we <br /> are working with Engineering to make sure the drainage of the site allows for that. <br /> He continued, For the new playground going in this year, which would be completed by July 1st, <br /> we've added spinning elements to it, three hundred and sixty (360) play, a climbing rock wall, <br /> some net climbers, a slide structure with actual physical amenities to it, as well as a few different <br /> swings. The equipment is all centrally located. The swings will have child swings, normal swings <br /> and then expression swings. Those allow the user to sit with a smaller child at the same time and <br /> swing together. The equipment will be accompanied with grills, a picnic pad, tables and will have <br /> better lines of sight for users. Now, one (1)parent or guardian with multiple kids can now,instead <br /> of watching kids on two (2) different sides of the park, watch them on one (1). So, currently, as I <br /> mentioned, the street has been vacated and we are working with Engineering to work on the <br /> drainage.We met with Streets and Sewers to talk about how this affects plow routes and we expect <br /> to proceed with this between this fall and next spring. A playground will go in by July 1st <br /> He went on, Moving on, another item was an update on Ravina Park. This was a Board of Public <br /> Works project in conjunction with VPA. There were erosion improvements done on the actual <br /> bank.The river,due to the hydrology of the creek,has started eating away at the bank.This project <br /> stabilizes it.There was a bridge that went across the park that had been destroyed years ago,before <br /> I can even remember. As part of the project, sidewalks now accompany all sides of the park. That <br /> sidewalk is an ADA accessible ramp which comes down the middle of the park into a small <br /> overlook that will be featured with benches and other amenities for people to sit and enjoy the <br /> creek. Going back, I just want to speak a little bit to the projects overall. These projects are funded <br /> out of the new bond series that we recently had the fortune of finding. It touches nine(9) different <br /> playgrounds throughout the City of South Bend getting ADA accessible equipment. We are <br /> designing ADA accessible sidewalks at many of these. We will not be able to implement them all <br /> simultaneously, but the plan is by 2020 to have sidewalks joining everywhere, geographically, <br /> where we are able to. We are going to touch twenty-four (24) restrooms, men and women. I'm <br /> embarrassed to say,but some don't even have doors or proper stalls at the moment. These will all <br /> be ADA accessible. Some proponents include sidewalk components and adjacent concrete in order <br /> EXCELLENCE j ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 i f 574.235.9173 I I L)574.235.5567 <br /> 2 <br />