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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> change,but legislation is needed in order to allow communities to survive and we must protect our <br /> vulnerable. Those people are the younger generation and the older generations and people who <br /> may not have the education or the power to speak up about how they feel about where they live. <br /> I'm not originally from here, I am from Seattle, but I am really happy that I've spent my last four <br /> (4) years here and I had an opportunity to see all the good energy that surrounds the City. I think <br /> this is a wonderful opportunity to let the Office of Sustainability lead the way and to get everybody <br /> under the same topic, under the same motive and moving toward the right direction. <br /> Meredith Seward, 808 Corby Blvd., stated, Last week I was babysitting for a family that lives near <br /> Notre Dame's campus, and they said that their basement had flooded. And the kids said and it's <br /> fine because it's our favorite maintenance guy. And that really stuck with me that their house has <br /> been flooded that many times in the last couple of years that the kids had a favorite flooding <br /> maintenance guy and they knew them well enough to ask him a lot of questions, and as beautiful <br /> as that relationship was to see, the cause for it, I found to be really concerning. It also made me <br /> feel a little bit helpless, because I as an individual can do all that I can to take the bus everywhere <br /> I go,bring my own reusable bags to the store,turn down the temperature in my house in the winter, <br /> but that's not going to be where the big change needs to happen. As Aleah just mentioned, South <br /> Bend has been a leader before with environmental issues particularly with the Bowman Creek <br /> Ecosystem and that's been a way in which South Bend has paved the path for other Cities around <br /> the country to have similar projects. I would love to see South Bend take those leadership qualities <br /> and pass a climate ordinance here and be a leader throughout the country,saying that climate action <br /> is a priority here and we want to protect the citizens that live here. Thank you. <br /> Co-Committee Chair Broden stated, Even though we said last speakers on the line, if anyone else <br /> wants to jump in, we'll allow it. Thank you all very much. With regard to next meeting, probably <br /> the best place is, I'm going to encourage you to look to the City's website, go to the Common <br /> Council's section of the website, you'll see that listed under the Departments, we're one(1) of the <br /> Departments, and then from there you could follow this issue under meetings and agendas. Then <br /> from there at the Health and Public Safety and Utilities Committee, it will be tracked there. <br /> Additionally,a point person, and I would recommend following her on Twitter and Facebook, and <br /> I'll let Therese make her own plug on that. <br /> Ms. Dorau stated,Yes,Twitter and Facebook. I'll keep everyone updated on any meetings that get <br /> scheduled on this topic, and our handle is @SustainSB on both Facebook and Twitter. <br /> Co-Committee Chair Broden stated, Champions, Facebook,maybe you could tip everybody to the <br /> Climate Champions website. <br /> Ms. Brebeck stated, We have a Facebook Page, Climate Champions of South Bend. Do not use <br /> Youth Task Force of South Bend, no one has any way to log into that account. <br /> Co-Committee Chair Broden asked if there were any closing comments. <br /> Committee Member Voorde stated, I would like to echo Professor Keen's remarks. I am part of <br /> that generation that messed things up and its incumbent on me to begin to take responsibility for <br /> turning things around. It wasn't too long ago that I needed to be convinced that climate change <br /> was a problem, as opposed to an actual cycle of weather. So, from a what can we do right now <br /> standpoint,I think its apparent that as we begin to look at the 2020 budget.Though Councilmember <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION I INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 I 1L)574.235.5567 <br /> 24 <br />