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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Committee Chair Broden then gave the floor to the presenters. <br /> Substitute Bill No. 03-19- New Article 14 to Chapter 6 of the South Bend Municipal Code <br /> Rental Safety Verification Program <br /> Suzanna Fritzberg, Deputy Chief of Staff and Policy Director to the Mayor of South Bend with <br /> offices located on the 14th floor of the County-City Building, stated, I will quickly introduce the <br /> other folks that will be playing a formal role in this presentation. Tracy Skibins is the Director of <br /> Code Enforcement, Jaimie Morgan is a Project Manager in the Office of the Mayor, Marlaina <br /> Johns is the Deputy Director of Code Enforcement, Tom Panowicz is a City Attorney and Jim <br /> Wood is the Chief Inspector for Code Enforcement. I know we've had the opportunity to discuss <br /> this program in meetings already, so I will narrow in on three (3) things I would like to focus on <br /> in this presentation. Although, certainly, I invite you to ask questions on any facet you would like <br /> clarification on. First (1st), I want to give a reminder of why we are looking at this policy. We <br /> know our existing complaint-based system does not help vulnerable tenants, and we also know we <br /> have a public health crisis with regard to lead poisoning in South Bend. I then want to make sure <br /> you have before you a more thoroughly explained implementation plan which reflects changes <br /> made in response to community feedback. Finally, I want to clearly explain the additional <br /> amendments we are proposing in response to community feedback. <br /> She continued, So, to begin, we know rentals account for about forty percent(40%)of housing in <br /> the City. We also know that access to safe and affordable rental housing is consistently cited as an <br /> issue that residents face and is something that is a top priority for a number of our service providers. <br /> Our proposal today is grounded in the goal of improving the safety of rental housing in South <br /> Bend, particularly for families with children, by verifying the compliance with existing safety <br /> standards through proactive inspection. I want to highlight for you that we know there has been a <br /> lot of research in recent decades demonstrating the links between housing safety and resident <br /> health. We know this involved both lead and mold issues that are related to chronic public health <br /> conditions, but there are also acute dangers like fire safety. We have in attendance Fire Chief <br /> Steven Cox and Fire Marshall Rodriguez. We consulted with them on the design of this program. <br /> As well, we have endorsements from the Board of Health and the Lead Affinity Group which <br /> include public health faculty and workers. With specific regard to lead, and as Council is aware, <br /> we have a growing tool kit that involves expanding access to testing.We partnered with the schools <br /> to do that. An early alert system can prompt providers to test children in their care. As of two (2) <br /> months ago, we won almost $3 million in State and Federal funding for lead control and <br /> remediation. But, what we don't have is an effective way to make sure that those that are <br /> statistically at the highest risk of lead poisoning,low-income children, aren't living in housing that <br /> permanently damages their health,mental capacity and future earnings. <br /> She went on, For those that have engaged in public service in South Bend for a number of years, <br /> we know attention has waxed and wained from time to time in the news. But even if we receive <br /> the maximum Federal HUD grant, every cycle, for the next hundred years, we still would not be <br /> able to get rid of lead paint in South Bend and we wouldn't be able to get rid of lead poisoning. <br /> So,while we work to expand testing and home repair services,we also need to consider regulatory <br /> intervention to ensure that existing safety standards, safety standards that are already in the law, <br /> are upheld. We know, based on examples from other places such as Rochester, New York and <br /> Baltimore, Maryland, rental inspections can be a key tool in reducing child lead poisoning. You <br /> will hear at the evening meeting from the Director of the Green and Healthy Homes Initiative. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building',227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 466011p 574.235.9221,f 574.235.9173 110574.235.5567 <br /> 2 <br />