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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> presented this policy, we've talked with cities across the United States and in Indiana and they <br /> have not seen significant turnover of property within their communities. We have, also, had a <br /> number of conversations with property owners and local landlords in the area and they see this as <br /> a significant tool to improve the rental market. I wanted to touch briefly on the points from Ms. <br /> Brown that the complaint-based process will continue to exist as part of this. So, when we talk <br /> about a thirty (30) day extension on scheduling an inspection, that certainly does not mean that <br /> there is an existing issue and the tenant has a prerogative to get in touch with us there is a thirty <br /> (30) day period on our ability to go in and respond to an urgent question we get a call about. I <br /> would defer to the Chief Inspector for more information on that, but I know there is a schedule of <br /> issues with the associated timeframe turnaround associated with those. The complaint-based <br /> process and the ability for the tenant to pick up the phone and call 311 or Code Enforcement is not <br /> gotten rid of as a result of this process change. <br /> Councilmember Teshka stated, Six-seven-nine-C (6-7-9-C) lists functioning smoke detectors but <br /> not carbon monoxide detectors. Was that intentional? Should we add carbon monoxide detectors <br /> to that list? <br /> Ms. Morgan replied, Cardon monoxide detectors weren't part of the International Property <br /> Maintenance Code. <br /> Committee Chair Broden asked, What about the questions about limiting this to the IPMC versus <br /> the blanket or pulling in other elements? I think two (2) individuals commented on that and <br /> narrowing it. I think the request was to narrow that and put that in exclusively. <br /> Ms. Fritzberg replied, I don't have a copy of it with me,but I think you have all see the inspection <br /> criteria guidelines. I will file that as an inclusion with this ordinance. <br /> Committee Chair Broden stated, And then there was one(1) other question about the due process <br /> and having that defined and stating what that is. We already have an appeals process, so, could we <br /> actually put that in as a reference as well? <br /> Ms. Fritzberg replied, Certainly. <br /> Committee Chair Broden stated, Ok. That way it is very clear within the ordinance and there is no <br /> hide-and-seek here, at least in my opinion. Did we catch everything? Oh, well the education piece <br /> relative to APRA, I think we can put that on your list. And then, a real question about Code <br /> Enforcement discretion. Please address that because that actually came up the prior Committee <br /> meeting. <br /> Marlaina Johns, Deputy Director of Code Enforcement with offices located on the 13th floor of <br /> County-City Building, stated, We actually have our housing team led by our Chief Inspector and <br /> they are going out and training to look at all the minimum standards at exactly the same way so <br /> there isn't that discretion of looking at minimum standards. So,when they go out, they know what <br /> they're looking for.They are not going to be going off and looking for stuff they might cite outside <br /> of this program. It is strictly RSVP requirements. <br /> Ms. Skibins stated, They are consistent across the board. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION 1 EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld i South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 16 <br />