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REGULAR MEETING February 25, 2019 <br /> (1) time, the landlord had cleaned everything out because the tenants before had left a mess. So, <br /> he cleared everything out into the backyard. The kids were actually out playing in the pile of <br /> garbage. They had built a fort, really creative actually, out of a desk and then they stacked on top <br /> of that a TV stand and just garbage everywhere. That is not acceptable. A lot of leaky roofs. The <br /> ceilings are caving in. There is black mold. Property owners rent rooms and it's not zoned for that. <br /> I was recently involved in a house to where the man called himself the Inn Keeper. He had taken <br /> in all these people and he was charging them by the month to rent a room. There were twenty(20) <br /> people in this house and he is using unvented heaters with the blue flame. That is not safe. I have <br /> also been in houses with no walls. The studs are there but there are no walls. The common things <br /> here are the lack of care that some of these landlords aren't addressing. There are a lot of good <br /> landlords and a lot of landlords that maintain their investment in their properties. There is a lot of <br /> renovation going on and I usually work the northwest side of town. So, there are a lot of good <br /> things going on. These landlords that have these properties are making the ones that are investing <br /> in their properties look bad. Thank you. <br /> Christi Louis, 1920 Ridgedale Road, South Bend IN, stated, I apologize, I hope I won't take too <br /> much of the Council's time. I didn't prepare a speech. All I bring here tonight is eleven (11) and a <br /> half years of experience in property management. We've worked over those eleven(11) and a half <br /> years to build a positive reputation in the Michiana area which speaks to all the advertising that <br /> has come from the RSVP. We are in support of this bill because we've worked hard to make sure <br /> our residents are taken care of. We've worked hard with Code to have a positive relationship so <br /> that they know that even if there is an issue, we are going to work quickly to address that issue. I <br /> think it's important for landlords to understand that if you are here and are in opposition of this <br /> bill, it's probably not a bad thing for you. You know, the important thing is that we are going to <br /> have an approval for occupancy.That is only going to help grow our reputation and the opportunity <br /> for good renters inside of our properties. That helps us all win. So, thank you very much. <br /> Jim Mckinnies, 51563 Dade Court, South Bend, IN, stated, I'm the President of the South Bend <br /> Mishawaka Board of Realtors. I think there is a perception that our association is against this <br /> proposal, I just want to stand here today to tell you that is not correct. We share the common goal <br /> of safe and affordable housing for everybody. I will say, first(1St) hand, being part of the process <br /> and working through all the issues, our issues with any of the proposal was we want it to be <br /> effective. We've been working hand in hand and we are just looking forward to working for the <br /> betterment of our community, together, with Code and the RSVP. We are excited about that. I <br /> stand, not opposed, but for the proposal. We look forward to working together as an association <br /> and a community to build safer housing for everybody. Thank you. <br /> Anne Mannix, 724 West Washington, South Bend, IN, stated, I've spent about twenty (20) years <br /> inspecting poor properties. We try to buy them and fix them up in various jobs and I've seen <br /> incredible things like what the policewoman said. The problem is, if people pay rent for these, it <br /> jacks the value of the properties up, so you end up spending a lot of money that is already in a bad <br /> condition. So, I think this ordinance will help take the economic incentive out of being a poor <br /> landlord. People, if they don't get any rent, their property is not worth the money. So, I think the <br /> staff work has been excellent and I just wanted to highlight that aspect of it. <br /> Jurek Schultz, 612 Lindsay Street, South Bend, IN, stated, Part of me can't believe I'm standing <br /> up here right now because I really felt like I really supported this coming in here today and ever <br /> since I heard about this. But, I've heard a lot of people talk. I've had awful landlords, landlords <br /> I've complained to about issues of the home I'm living in and nothing was done. I've had great <br /> landlords that I say something, and it's fixed the next day. It was amazing. But I heard a lot of <br /> people talk and I think long-term, this sounds like there will be more accountability for the <br /> landlords in the area and that will lead to the homes being in better condition. I think, long-term, <br /> South Bend will have much quality of rental properties. But, I heard very little talk about what is <br /> going to happen living in these properties in that transition. I don't think with some of the houses <br /> I've seen, what happens to all of those families in the mean time? Do they go and live in <br /> Mishawaka while South Bend is in this transition? Do they go to Goshen? Walkerton? I mean, I <br /> don't know.There is a large transition where,if landlords don't own up to fixing their homes,what <br /> happens to those families in the meantime? South Bend has several homes that are vacant and <br /> boarded up. I went to Riley High School. I ran cross country and ran past boarded up houses all <br /> 36 <br />