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REGULAR MEETING February 25, 2019 <br /> pieces are also needed. This is one(1)very important piece,but it's only one(1)piece, as we work <br /> toward safe and affordable housing. I think we are going to need to continue to work with <br /> partnerships between neighborhood groups, renters, landlords, the City, and non-profits to keep <br /> working together to provide safe and affordable housing. I think the collaboration,consolation,the <br /> adjustments that have been made by the City staff and others in this process reflect that kind of <br /> collaboration and consultation. I anticipate and hope that we can continue that as we implement <br /> this and work at other ways of providing safe and affordable housing for all our neighbors. Thank <br /> you. <br /> Amanda Govaert-Konrath, 1015 College Street, South Bend, IN, stated, As a renter, I do see the <br /> value of this ordinance. RSVP is a small step in the right direction. However, it does not go far <br /> enough. This ordinance makes provisions for a review process but nowhere in that process are <br /> tenants included. South Bend is making decisions regarding the treatment of renters without <br /> actually including renters in that conversation. Many people feel talked around. We all know that <br /> renters tend to fear reporting Code violations as they fear retaliation and eviction from landlords <br /> who hold all the power. Renters are not protected from arbitrary evictions. This ordinance does <br /> not protect against that. RSVP does not address the very real issue that tenants face. There is a <br /> provision for short-term assistance should a family be impacted negatively, however, that <br /> assistance is not well-spelled out. How much assistance is going to be available? Will it cover <br /> moving costs? Possible storage fees? The deposit? First (1st) month's rent? As a renter, these are <br /> all things we must consider when we are making a move. Many people who live in this town that <br /> rent live paycheck to paycheck. Without that assistance, they are going to be homeless. While I <br /> support this ordinance, I urge the Council to continue pushing for greater renter protections. I urge <br /> the City to embrace the forty percent (40%) of its residents who do rent and make South Bend a <br /> city that views housing as a human right. Thank you. <br /> Donald Weiss, 532 t/2 Kosciuszko Street, South Bend, IN, stated, She hit it right on the head about <br /> the landlord and tenant problems we have here in St. Joseph County. I moved into my home on <br /> November 1st, 2013, I'm a veteran. Again, I served three (3) years in the US Army. I came from <br /> the Miller Veterans Center here in South Bend. I was homeless at one(1)time. I qualified for what <br /> is called the Section Eight (8) housing which was issued by the South Bend Housing Authority. <br /> My rent was being paid to my landlord because I could not afford to pay my rent. I was financially <br /> indigent. Zero (0) income. I also got assistance to help pay my gas and electric bills because I had <br /> zero (0) income. I built myself up and stuff like that. When I first (1st) moved into my house, I <br /> noticed I had some high utility bills. Cold drafts were coming out of my floors. Cold drafts were <br /> coming through my windows. Pipes froze up in my house through the winter months and I would <br /> wallow two (2) weeks without running water in my house. Mice were crawling everywhere in my <br /> house. Cockroaches, termite damage. I have photos in my possession here with me tonight. I have <br /> a letter here dated on August 25th, 2015. I contacted my landlord to ask if I could get my house <br /> winterized through the Real Services program. It would be no cost to him or me because I was <br /> low-income.They would come out and fix everything.He refused to cooperate.My roof is leaking, <br /> the foundation is crumbling, there is teiinite damage throughout the house and my furnace was <br /> installed improperly in my home. My furnace is in my living room and not in my basement. I have <br /> pictures of this. Again, the lady before me said they were scared to report it to Code Enforcement <br /> in fear of retaliation,to get evicted with no place to go and I had no money to move,no money for <br /> storage, no money for moving expenses, ok? So, I just kept my mouth shut. I had to live that way <br /> because I had no other recourse. That is not fair for veterans. That is not fair for St.Joseph County. <br /> Because, landlords need to be held accountable to fix and repair these units to make them safe for <br /> everyone. My repairs have still not been done as of today. I received an eviction notice this <br /> morning from small claims court. I have to be out in eleven (11) days. I have no place to go and <br /> I'm a veteran. And people say we appreciate you for what you do. God forbid, I'm losing my home <br /> and I don't have a place to go. I have letters from Real Services,they postponed the insulation job. <br /> I have a letter from the South Bend Housing Authority,my vouchers stopped last August. My rent <br /> stopped going to my landlord and he did not do the repairs. That is not my fault but I'm getting <br /> evicted. He'd got sued $2,700 in damages. Well, my house is full damages already. No one (1) <br /> should have to live like this. The other thing is I had a Code Enforcement officer come out and <br /> inspect my home today to see my furnace and take pictures of my mice feces. I don't know what <br /> I'm going to do. I believe in God and I'm just leaving everything in God's hands right now. I called <br /> 33 <br />