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REGULAR MEETING February 25, 2019 <br /> would probably need to have two (2) to three (3) locations spread out in the City. For us, that <br /> would mean more staff and it would be more difficult to supervise. We would need more <br /> transportation as they would be further away. So ultimately, what led us to this location was that <br /> it was close by and that is convenient for our transport drivers to get the patients to and from <br /> treatment, work and school. Also, it was a large enough building that gets us close to that twenty <br /> (20) to twenty-five (25)beds we are looking for. And, it's a good layout. If you look at the layout <br /> of the building, a large majority of the bedrooms are just down one (1) hallway. With the camera <br /> system, one (1) guard can see the entire interior and exterior of the building by turning his head. <br /> Other zoning requirements depended on the facilities. Some of them were just zoned residential. <br /> Maybe they were large homes that we would have had to try and get a special use permit for. <br /> Others were already residential and multi-family but were just too large of a dwelling for what we <br /> were looking for. Competitors for similar treatment in our area,the only thing that really compares <br /> to us would be the Life Treatment Center. The big difference is that they don't offer a medical <br /> detox. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis asked,You're closest is Life Treatment Center? And the closest one <br /> (1) outside of that, in terms of other cities, would be what? <br /> Mr. Adolf replied, Probably Recovery Works in Merrillville. <br /> Ms. Brown stated, There is a Recovery Works out in Merrillville but if we are talking about <br /> sending patients we get that we need to send to sober living, we send them to Minnesota, Florida <br /> or California because we also want to send our patients to a facility that is CARF-Accredited. We <br /> want to send them to a place that we know will be beneficial to them. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis then asked,Do they only get sent to for-profit areas or have you also <br /> considered non-profit areas? What are you looking at? <br /> Ms. Brown replied, We do send most to for-profit, but we have some amazing non-profit sober <br /> living houses in our area such as Jane's House and Dismas House and those kinds of things. But, <br /> their services are little bit different than the services we provide, in terms of the care. But,they are <br /> amazing facilities. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis followed up, And the last question regarding the walking to and <br /> from for eating purposes? <br /> Mr. Adolf replied, They will be transported. We have two (2) large fourteen (14)-passenger vans <br /> and the idea is that the staff members at the facility would also be trained, secondarily, as a <br /> transport driver. A typical day is waking up at 7:00 a.m., 7:30 a.m. you are transported to Choices, <br /> 8:00 8:30 a.m.they eat breakfast,then from 8:30 12:30 have your intensive <br /> out-patient classes combined with either a counseling or case management session, 12:30 p.m. to <br /> 1:30 p.m. for lunch,at 1:30 p.m.the patient would then either go to their job or school,return home <br /> at 9:30 p.m. and then curfew is 11:00 p.m. <br /> Councilmember Karen White stated, Thank you for the information and for the work that you do. <br /> Regarding one(1)page of your literature, you talked about the admissions process. You indicated <br /> individuals must apply to be admitted. What do you look at? How do you select individuals? And <br /> what is the length of that selection process? <br /> Ms. Brown replied, I think at this time,we are actually considering an advisory board, constructed <br /> by people in the community to help us choose, as well. So, right now, we are kind of in the early <br /> stages of deciding on how we are going to do that process. But, these individuals have to come <br /> with references from the treatment program they were in. We have to know they are compliant in <br /> the treatment facilities they have partaken in. We also want to make sure that they are going to fit <br /> in. Why do they want to come to this sober living? Are they coming back home close to family? <br /> Is it because they have children? All things need to be considered in terms of these twenty (20) <br /> beds. They are going to go fast. We want to make sure we are bringing in the right people for the <br /> community in which we live and in which we serve. <br /> Mr.Adolf stated,I would like to add,too,that this facility will be single-sex,either male or female. <br /> Just the way the layout is, there is no good way of breaking it up to separate those genders. <br /> 9 <br />