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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> been here, and I believe probably since before my time and we really appreciate all the hard work <br /> they've done. But, with the uptick of development in the City and the different priorities we have <br /> in our neighborhoods, and the different development pressures that come with that, we think it's <br /> important that the City get these things done right and with the City's objectives in mind. The <br /> Historic Preservation Commission, for instance, is an example where we brought a County <br /> Department into the City. I think it's been working more effectively than it had been while it was <br /> in the County. We also wonder, potentially, with the circuit breaker happening in 2020, whether <br /> or not the staff will have the same capacity to deliver the same level of service. That is not to say <br /> they wouldn't be doing it as best as they can, but again, I think it is one (1) of these things where <br /> we feel we have a lot of the talent in house and, with the new staff, we will be able to provide that <br /> level of service we are accustomed to and, in many ways, help the County deliver a better quality <br /> of service to the unincorporated areas and the smaller towns, as well. <br /> He continued, The zoning ordinance overhaul, for instance, and this (referencing a slide in the <br /> presentation) is an example of our zoning ordinance to date, this is one (1) of our key initiatives <br /> this year. One(1) of the things we've analyzed in the past was not only whether or not some of the <br /> rules were really wrong, and we've been working on that, but the usability and readability of the <br /> document is,well, as you can see, not great. So, Mike Divita who is well-known here has come to <br /> you with different fixes to the ordinance. He's been working very diligently and also with members <br /> of the Area Plan Commission, the consultant we've hired and myself to start relooking at how this <br /> is. So, it goes from something like that (referencing the presentation) to this (referencing a new <br /> slide in the presentation).We want to get something much more visual that shows people the intent <br /> behind each of the districts. We want to make it more graphic by using more charts and diagrams <br /> and really find the best practice zoning ordinance that we can. <br /> He went on, So, we've looked far and wide at what other communities have done and have taken <br /> the best things from other communities while tuning it for the City of South Bend. We will have a <br /> very unique document that is honed to the South Bend environment. If people want to copy it, <br /> great, but it probably won't work for them because it is for us. It, too, is a living document. When <br /> we see something that is wrong, we want to fix it as fast as possible. That is one(1) of the things. <br /> All zoning ordinances should be a living document. Our current one (1) has had various fixes or <br /> amendments to it up until the last couple of years. We want to see this as something that keeps <br /> evolving over time. <br /> He continued, In terms of staff capacity, the Planning Department already makes a lot of <br /> recommendations you see in your packets and we will continue to do that. The quick fixes really <br /> have reduced a lot of zonings and variance requests. The new staff will help us fill some of the <br /> day-to-day administrative needs and what we intended is for the new staff to actually help with the <br /> zoning ordinance overhaul. So, they will be intimately involved with the update of the document <br /> as well as creating the processes and procedures that happen behind the scenes so that,day one(1) <br /> when the Commission begins,the staff are already up to speed, and they aren't learning on the fly. <br /> We also had a meeting with other City departments including the Legal Department and IT. We <br /> wanted to measure what the affect will be on each of those departments and we will continue <br /> working with the Area Plan Commission to help those departments understand any impacts that <br /> might come. That is part of that internal working group. Also, there are fees the Area Plan <br /> Commission collects and last year, I don't know the total and they don't make the department <br /> revenue neutral, but it could certainly help offset the cost of one (1) of the positions or maybe the <br /> extra hours that maybe one(1) of our lawyers has to put in. Something along those lines. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574 235 9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 3 <br />