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I•CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> removed from the property. Isn't that enough? Three(3) years will only yield sixty percent(60%) <br /> of the properties. <br /> Ms. Skibins interjected, Twenty percent(20%), actually, after three (3) years. <br /> Committeemember Voorde continued, Wow. So, how long will it take to inspect all 16,000 <br /> properties? Well, I suppose you wouldn't have to inspect all of them, but still. <br /> Ms. Skibins replied, No, and that is our hope. That is another reason why it is very important we <br /> get all the information out to everyone in advance and they know what it is that we are looking <br /> for. We don't have a lot of time, landlords don't have a lot of time, and we want to make it as easy <br /> as possible.We have crunched the numbers and we think it is going to work. We will also have an <br /> evaluation period we will do every few months,just to make sure we are on top of everything. I <br /> feel like on our end, we've done as much as we can to get the word out that people can report <br /> violations. Our inspectors, on a very regular basis, including the both of us, go out and speak with <br /> as many neighborhood organizations as we can on a monthly basis. The resources are available. I <br /> feel we've done as much as we can to let people know they can come to us if there are some sorts <br /> of violations inside their home. However, the feedback we continue to get is they feel retaliation <br /> from the landlord. I truly believe that is a major issue. If we were able to depend on people to have <br /> the courage and not be afraid, then yes, I don't think we would be in the situation we are in now. <br /> Honestly, I don't think that is what is happening. <br /> Committeemember Voorde followed up, I confess I've only had feedback from one (1) landlord. <br /> Their feedback wasn't as much objections to this as it was questions to this. It raises questions in <br /> my mind, as well. In general, would you say landlords are supportive of this? <br /> Ms. Skibins replied, I think everyone agrees that everyone wants a healthy and safe situation for <br /> all tenants. What I'm hearing is concern to why responsible landlords have to go through the <br /> process. That is the major feedback. What I say to that is, if they reach out to us,they pass the first <br /> (1St) inspection, they won't see Code again for five (5) years. We can't pick and choose who we <br /> inspect. We have to be fair across the board. <br /> Committeemember Voorde then asked, Is there an estimate as to how many bad properties are out <br /> there out of the 16,000? <br /> Ms. Skibins replied, We don't know and using this, we hope to find out. <br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston stated, That is kind of where I want to begin. What is <br /> the data on this? You said in 2018, you had eight hundred and twenty-five (825) complaints. We <br /> know people don't complain and I believe that may be true. But,that would be like point zero five <br /> percent(.05%)of all the properties. But ok,people don't complain. What percent do we anticipate <br /> having health and safety issues? I'm wondering if there is a more effective way to get at the <br /> problem. Again, everyone agrees we need to have something.As Dr. Fox stated,there are negative <br /> effects to the community from unsafe housing. Everybody gets that.The question is if taking three <br /> (3) years to just do twenty percent (20%) will be worth it. That is a long time for people, who we <br /> know already, are in really bad situations. Because in three(3) years, what is mold going to do? Is <br /> there a way to address the problem that is more targeted without breaking the law? We've had <br /> people come before Council and say they know of three (3) large housing complexes who are <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 If574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 9 <br />