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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Councilmembers Broden and Williams-Preston who are sponsors of the bill. Also, I would like to <br /> thank all the members of the community here to engage in dialogue about this. Many individuals <br /> who are here are individuals my team and I have met with previously but there are some new faces. <br /> We are eager to continue the discussion that has been focused around this proposal. So, this really <br /> has emerged from a variety of things including conversations with President Scott who has been a <br /> leader on rental housing issues, the Administration's focus and concern regarding lead poisoning <br /> which is more likely to affect low-income renters,a desire to improve Code Enforcement processes <br /> and then some targeted community engagement efforts that helped us pinpoint some issues around <br /> access to safe and affordable housing. The presentation we are making today (which is available <br /> in the City Clerk's Office)is a product of a group that included representation from a broad variety <br /> of City departments including Code, IT, the Economic Empowerment team, the Mayor's Office <br /> and the Fire Department as well as input from community partners that include renters, landlords, <br /> property owners, legal experts, community neighborhood organizations and service providers. <br /> She continued, To give you the outset, I would like to quickly overview rental housing in South <br /> Bend. I won't read every part of this(referencing the presentation)but there are about 16,000 rental <br /> housing units in South Bend. It is approximately forty percent (40%) of the housing in the City. <br /> That comes from Census records. We know that a large majority of that is considered aging <br /> housing stock. <br /> Committee Chair Broden interjected, Will your presentation be available? <br /> Ms. Fritzberg replied, Yes, the City Clerk's Office has it. <br /> She went on, So, 16,000 rental units,forty percent(40%)of the City,and it really varies depending <br /> on neighborhoods. We know that about seventy percent(70%)of our units were built before 1969. <br /> There was a qualitative engagement process that took place last year through a partnership with <br /> Results for America. That is a consultancy lead by the former Mayor of Philadelphia, Michael <br /> Nutter. We worked closely with some City team members who conducted a qualitative <br /> engagement exercise with service providers, banks, property management organizations, <br /> neighborhood organizations and CDCs on a range of issues. One (1) of the things that strongly <br /> emerged was a shared concern about access to decent and safe housing in South Bend. We know <br /> that is something that has been at the forefront of Council Members' minds but also borne out in <br /> deeper engagement with service providers and community members. <br /> She continued, We also know there is a really powerful link between housing and resident health. <br /> So,our records suggest that a significant portion of rental units in South Bend contain hazards that <br /> compromise safety and habitability. Those can be things that can be associated with chronic health <br /> issues such as mold or lead, or even acute dangers like fire safety. In particular, in South Bend <br /> there are issues with lead paint. It isn't necessarily the presence of lead paint itself as the problem, <br /> but the condition of the paint. When lead paint starts to chip, flake and deteriorate, that's when it <br /> can become respirable and can get into the bloodstream. I want to note, the proposal we bring <br /> today reflects deep engagement with health officials including Dr. Mark Fox, the Dean of the IU <br /> Med School and the Head of the St. Joseph County Health Department, the Lead Affinity Group <br /> which includes public health faculty and workers and then also the support of the Fire Department. <br /> EXCELLENCE j ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 2 <br />