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REGULAR MEETING February 11, 2019 <br /> addressing the issues of poverty and homelessness in the state of Indiana and throughout the United <br /> • <br /> States. Section Three (III) This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from after its adoption <br /> by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br /> Councilmember Karen White continued, I would just like to add that this Resolution is really <br /> asking not only the Common Council but the Administration to start discussions and to look at the <br /> best practices that we have within our State. I think that we are in an excellent position to have <br /> such a discussion. I do know we reached out to members of the Administration as well as some of <br /> the social service providers. We ask for your consideration and approval at this time. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis stated, Prior to that,we would like to hear some comments from our <br /> attorney, Bob Palmer. <br /> Bob Palmer, Council Attorney with offices located on the 4th floor of the County-City Building, <br /> South Bend,IN,stated, I would just like to update you all on the status of the Indianapolis proposal. <br /> It was given its first (1St)reading at the end of January, was assigned to the Finance Committee of <br /> the County-City Council of Indianapolis. Last week it passed the Finance Committee and it will <br /> be heard by the full Council at their meeting next week. The amount earmarked for this pilot <br /> program in Indianapolis is $150,000. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis then showed a short video as a part of the presentation (which is <br /> available in the City Clerk's Office). <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis stated, As you can see, that program is based off the one (1) in the <br /> City of Albuquerque. The program is called `There Is A Better Way.' He then showed the website <br /> for that program (which is available in the City Clerk's Office). He stated, It began in 2015 and <br /> what really kicked it off in 2015 is the Supreme Court made a ruling that changed how <br /> municipalities throughout the country have handled the issue of panhandling, giving us a ruling <br /> that wasn't anything dealing with panhandling or homelessness, it was a ruling about freedom of <br /> speech,but it impacted how cities handled anything with speech. Therefore, it impacted how a lot <br /> of cities had to change their laws on the books regarding the issue of panhandling. Then the issue <br /> comes up, what do we do in place? So, the Mayor there created this program. He said he saw a <br /> sign and said we are going to put people to work. Therefore, you see the history of that from 2015 <br /> and the City of Albuquerque. They collect a lot of donations. Phase Two (2) was a van in <br /> September 2015.They got a van and the initial budget of$50,000 paid nine dollars an hour($9/hr.) <br /> and they go around and pick up people to help them out. They do this in conjunction with one (1) <br /> of the local agencies there. So, this isn't just the City doing it by itself, it is working along with its <br /> local agencies. You'll see right on their City Service website, they have all the information for all <br /> of their homeless services right there. That is something that we can look at as we put together all <br /> of our homeless areas because we have done a lot here in the City of South Bend. We can tie all <br /> of that together that we have been doing, what our City has been doing. We can go through this <br /> whole thing, you can see Albuquerque, and they have taken this, and Indianapolis is doing it now. <br /> It was good discussion. Indianapolis deals with this a lot because of all the things going on down <br /> there and you heard disagreements back and forth because there is not one (1) simple way to <br /> address panhandlers. It is a variety of ideas you have to put together. So,there is housing-first(1St) <br /> and other techniques, mental health, as a licensed social worker, I can see these kinds of things <br /> coming together. So, we are just asking to add another piece. A lot of times people say it won't <br /> work for everybody. But like I tell people in baseball, if you can bat thirty percent (30%), which <br /> is .300, that means you struck out seventy percent (70%) of the time, you still make the Hall of <br /> Fame with a.300 batting average. You're not going to get everybody but if housing-first(1St) gets <br /> this person, this person gets this group, this idea gets this, the more we can have better ways, we <br /> can bring all of our ways together and make our City a strong city. That is why we are bringing <br /> this back to you, to bring us together, to encourage our Administration to work together and take <br /> us to the next level here in South Bend. <br /> Councilmember Karen White stated, In working with the Administration, there are a number of <br /> entities, discussions and recommendations that have come forward. There are a lot of individuals <br /> who are beginning and have wrapped their programs and service together to serve not only the <br /> homeless but also some of these issues. Our goal is to add this to the mix and say let's look at this <br /> as a possibility and another option in addressing some of the critical issues in our community. <br /> 6 <br />