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REGULAR MEETING February 11, 2019 <br /> Dan Buckenmeyer, Director of Business Development for the Department of Community <br /> � p p <br /> Investment for the City of South Bend with offices located on the 14th floor of the County-City <br /> Building, South Bend, IN, served as the presenter for this bill. Mr. Buckenmeyer stated, SWGS <br /> Properties is by name Grace Steel. They are a small startup steel fabricator with a great and <br /> sustainable model. They are currently operating out of a very small shop in Mishawaka but are <br /> looking to move to South Bend to expand significantly.The petitioners are here. I will skip through <br /> a lot of this (referencing a presentation which is available in the City Clerk's Office). Again, as <br /> you recall from the last meeting we are doing a stack of tax abatements and I will get into where <br /> they go but we are combining vacant,real and personal to assist them the best way we can, so they <br /> can take this eight and a half(8.5)acre plot and 70,000 square foot building on West Sample Street. <br /> The property is crumbling infrastructure and they are going to revitalize it and make it into a steel <br /> production facility. We have some pictures (referencing the presentation) that show the current <br /> state and some future state. In short, their full investment into this project will be well over $2 <br /> million. They will bring in sixteen (16) new full-time jobs with solid pay, both hourly and salary. <br /> They are also retaining four (4) full-time jobs. The full amount of abatement, across the stack of <br /> all three(3) abatements,is about$213,000. They will still pay, at least, about$55,000 or$56,000, <br /> over the course of two (2), six (6) and one (1) five (5) year abatement. The key is in this slide <br /> (referencing the presentation). I think the important thing, simply, as the red numbers show, with <br /> no action and if we didn't provide this support and they didn't come in to revitalize this building, <br /> that property would provide an estimate of$200,000 over the next ten(10)years. That would be a <br /> crumbling piece of infrastructure and would probably decline from there. And this was an early <br /> estimate and we actually added about $20,000 so it's actually going be about $264,000 through <br /> the course of the abatement and into the ten (10) year window. So, it's a true win-win for the City <br /> and company. <br /> Council President Tim Scott asked, Has anything changed in the petition from the last time you <br /> presented? <br /> Mr. Buckenmeyer replied, No. <br /> David and Pam Andre, 21601 Durham Way, Bristol, IN, served as the petitioners for this bill. Mr. <br /> Andre stated, As you may recall from our last presentation, Grace Steel was founded three (3) <br /> years ago by Pam. It has grown very rapidly. It takes steel that often times otherwise would end <br /> up as scrap or secondary material,processes it into good steel and parts,supplies the RV and trailer <br /> industry, and ships as far away as Arkansas and Missouri right now. It is growing, and we would <br /> not be able to be in this facility and pay for the renovations if it weren't for the abatements and the <br /> support of the City. So, we appreciate that. <br /> This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br /> opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br /> Jason Banicki-Critchlow, 3822 Ford Street, South Bend, IN, stated, As I said, I guess about four <br /> (4) weeks ago at the Committee meeting, I'm very excited for this. This is definitely something <br /> we need on that side of town. I like the way we are doing it in a much more phased-in way as <br /> opposed to other ones that are one hundred percent(100%). This allows us to get some of that tax <br /> revenue a little bit sooner. Again,this is in an area where we need these kinds of jobs. I'm excited <br /> to see it there and we need to make this happen. <br /> Council President Tim Scott turned the floor back to Council Members for further comment or <br /> main motion. <br /> Councilmember Gavin Ferlic stated, Thank you for your investment and thank you for your <br /> patience tonight. I know it has been a bit longer than usual. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated, Yes, thank you. After the last presentation, local workforce <br /> recruitment and training was something we had brought up. Were there any additional <br /> conversations with our department or staff on those objectives? Or, do you anticipate that? <br /> Mr. Buckenmeyer replied, We anticipate it. We haven't had those yet, but we did talk about <br /> working with the Urban Enterprise Zone and resources like that, too. They have voiced a <br /> commitment to seeking local employees first(lst). <br /> 23 <br />