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REGULAR MEETING February 11, 2019 <br /> Mayor Pete replied,Thank you. We will be sure to get you more information both on the Medicaid <br /> picture and the road funding. <br /> Councilmember Jake Teshka stated, I echo a little bit what Councilmember Broden said on the <br /> road funding piece. I would also like to help advocate for that as much as possible. Any additional <br /> information your office could provide would be great. Thank you for, what I think was, a very <br /> comprehensive and great presentation. I would like to have a copy of it. I think a lot of time there <br /> is some misunderstanding of the City's financial position and I think there were some very clear <br /> and concise charts in this presentation that would help us as we go out and talk to folks about <br /> exactly where we are sitting. So, thank you. <br /> Mayor Pete replied, Great, we will circulate it with the Council and maybe we can also put it on <br /> the Open Data Portal in case residents are interested too. <br /> City Clerk Kareemah Fowler clarified, We have already sent it to all Council Members and it is in <br /> your email inbox. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis stated,Thank you Mayor for your presentation tonight. A couple of <br /> things. Number one (1), you had talked about how the State is changing our road and highway <br /> funding and you said that we probably need to get ahold of State Legislators since we are in the <br /> middle of that time now. What's the plan for our Council to assist you in doing that? What are the <br /> efforts we need to have? Testimony from us individually? Do we need letters? What is your <br /> strategy to help deal with that? That is a critical issue you brought up because we all did think it <br /> was going to be a lot more money when we were jumping up and down on that and then to get this <br /> curb with the other curb coming up, it makes you a little queasy on stuff like that. Then the second <br /> (2"d) thing is it was interesting that Mishawaka wasn't rated with any of the ratings. Mishawaka, <br /> Gary and those others,do you know why they choose not to be rated?You may get to that question <br /> first (1St) and then we'll come back with the strategy in how we can engage our Legislature, both <br /> the Democratic side and Republican side. And really with all the cities like us who are depending <br /> on that across the State. <br /> Mayor Pete replied, I will have to have Dan's help for the question of other cities and their bond <br /> ratings. <br /> Dan Parker, City Controller for the City of South Bend with offices located on the 12th floor of the <br /> County-City Building, South Bend, IN, stated, Mishawaka, Gary, Muncie, and I think there are a <br /> few others, they are not rated by S&P. They may be rated by other agencies, but the rating <br /> displayed in the presentation were S&P. Those are generally the ones we share. Or, it could be <br /> possible they don't have General Obligation Debt and those are General Obligation Debt ratings. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis interjected, So, we're not aware of what rates they might get when <br /> they go and do their loans? Like, when they have to do the bonds that we have, we got a discount <br /> on ours because of our great rating. What do they use as their assessment? Are you aware of <br /> anything? <br /> Mr. Parker replied, So, as bonds are issued, they are rated by the bond rating agency. So, if <br /> Mishawaka were to issue General Obligation Debt,that debt they want to issue would get rated by <br /> the bond agency on that basis of their fiscal position. This is just the same as South Bend. But, <br /> currently, they don't have public rating available. As of 2016, which is the latest data we had up <br /> until we refreshed it for this presentation, Mishawaka was rated a double A minus (AA-) but, <br /> currently today, they don't have a rating available. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis interjected, That's interesting. Thank you for the tidbit of <br /> information. Sometimes you hear our sister City is ahead of us. As a person who has sisters, you <br /> know, I have sibling rivalry. <br /> Mayor Pete replied, We don't want to be too competitive there, but we love the idea that South <br /> Bend is the best in the region.To the other question of the road funding,we will continue to engage <br /> with AIM, formally known as IACT, on anything that may come up legislatively. But, if I <br /> understand it correctly, the adjustment that happened in terms of where those funds went was <br /> actually administrative and not legislative. So, the legislature acted to increase and adjust the gas <br /> tax so that there was more funding available total but then it went through the State Department of <br /> 18 <br />