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REGULAR MEETING February 11, 2019 <br /> this issue and the benefit for the intended individuals in our community as a whole. So, thank you <br /> very much for your work on this. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis interrupted, I would like to thank you for your comments, <br /> Councilmember Broden. Go ahead, finish. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden continued, In the context of the Health and Public Safety <br /> Committee, I think, I share a particular responsibility, along with the members of that Committee, <br /> to help advance this conversation along the goals that I mentioned but then also the accountability <br /> and the due diligence with regard to this proposal tonight and the one(1)previous. I want to make <br /> sure that I'm not kicking the burden elsewhere. I think there is a real specific area that the <br /> responsibility of the Council could be held. <br /> Councilmember Sharon L. McBride stated, I think as we continue with the collaborative efforts <br /> with homelessness,the Gateway and now with this Resolution,that is heading in the right direction <br /> for this community. I think not only would it increase the taxes of having employment but the <br /> income stability of the individuals. So, I'm in support of the Resolution. I would also like to echo <br /> that now it is time to finally have some teeth. Now is the time. I think what you are proposing is <br /> for us to make sure that we all work together with service providers and continue working with <br /> the Administration to get it done. <br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston stated, I had the great fortune to be at a listening session <br /> the other night on homelessness and the concept was to actually hear from people who are <br /> experiencing homelessness about the issue. One (1) of those gentlemen spoke tonight and I was <br /> really touched by him and by many people there. I think that while we are having this discussion, <br /> I recommend we do not forget to bring and make sure that people who are experiencing the <br /> homelessness are at the center of that conversation, they are a part of that conversation and even <br /> driving it. All of the solutions are there. They understand the barriers. So, as we create <br /> programming, we can eliminate all the things we didn't think of when we include them in the <br /> conversation. So, I would encourage that as well. Also, what I learned was I was deeply affected <br /> by one (1) gentleman who got up there and put us on the spot. He said, you know what, we've <br /> been talking about this too long. We talk and talk and talk and yet, people are still on the streets. I <br /> would also encourage that while we need to have good discussion and engage those experiencing <br /> homelessness, we need to go ahead and set a date to start the pilot because there is also a way in <br /> which when we pilot a program we can learn more and move and at the same time we are helping <br /> people. That is the message that I got from people who are in these desperate situations. I want to <br /> thank Councilmember Davis and Councilmember White for bringing this back to the table. Again, <br /> as Council Members we can make recommendations, but we have to have our City's <br /> Administration put this in action. There are many things. We just recently said we are going to <br /> raise water rates without having some of the plans or ideas on what other things we can do to help <br /> relieve the burden, but we said nope we need to start this now so let's put this on the table. If we <br /> could put a date on something like that, I think that when we have people who are really hurting <br /> and are in need, we need a date when we get something started. That is my recommendation and <br /> again, thank you all for moving this forward. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated, Finally, going last as President you get your thunder stolen. I <br /> first(1St)would like to thank all the Council Members for their words. Thank you Councilmember <br /> White and Councilmember Davis for bringing this back and resetting this. I completely agree with <br /> just about everybody up here. I agree with Councilmember Williams-Preston, a plan is nothing <br /> without action. Now it is time to take action. Collaboration was said Councilmember McBride and <br /> Broden, and it is true. It is a true collaborative effort. So many people think that the City needs to <br /> do it all and make the world better. No, it is a collaboration. People on the street and the <br /> responsibility of all the stakeholders. It is us Council Members,the Administration and citizens all <br /> working together. That is what we need to do. There is a reset here. Those who have sponsored <br /> this one (1) and those who sponsored the one (1) in the past, please be that leader and drive this <br /> forward. <br /> Councilmember Karen White replied, In response to all the comments, it is going to take each and <br /> every one of us collectively working with our social service providers and our Administration. <br /> Work is currently being done when we talk about the Gateway information. We have to pull all <br /> 10 <br />