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REGULAR MEETING February 11, 2019 <br /> do not appreciate getting payments two (2) weeks later. I don't know how that works out with the <br /> attorney,but we now have a petty cash fund that we pay them out of immediately when their work <br /> is complete. That is very helpful for people in their situation. Also, on one (1) little portion <br /> mentioned in the reading, it provides dignity. God gives dignity to all people. This resolution <br /> declares dignity. People already have dignity, we don't give it, they already have it. <br /> Sharon Banicki, 3822 Ford Street, South Bend, IN, stated, I'm in favor of this. I know there are a <br /> lot of people that are going to say it's never going to work. If it helps just five (5) people off the <br /> street and gets them back to where they want to be, it's five people we don't have to worry about <br /> freezing at night, Weather Amnesty, and feeding them. I hope that when it starts working out that <br /> it's expanded a little to not only include the homeless but maybe those unemployed who are down <br /> and out and need that extra little boost who aren't employable through traditional methods.Thanks. <br /> Rod Goodchild, 837 South 24th Street, South Bend, IN, stated, I'm a landlord in River Park. It <br /> started out just one(1)little place, one(1) after another, and I really believe you have to reach out <br /> to people. That is the key. Mayor Pete and his whole campaign running for President of the United <br /> States, you have to touch people and understand. It's not easy. It's not easy to always be looked <br /> down on. It's not easy when you are just trying to get enough to make a meal, living on the street <br /> and under the bridge. I know I have lawns that have to get mowed, so they can mow a lawn and <br /> have a lot of pride in it. They say hey, I just mowed the lawn, I say great and here's ten(10)bucks. <br /> It makes them feel proud. They go out and shovel and I shovel, I'm called a snow bird and I just <br /> got back from Fort Lauderdale and I try to be here as little as possible when it's like this, and <br /> they'll shovel my walk and just do it. When they see it, we give them a couple of bucks and it <br /> makes you feel a lot better to think you're helping and encouraging somebody to do something <br /> positive. I've been in Chicago too where you get off at the bus station, you know, and everybody <br /> is in your face. You can't walk across the street to get to Millennium Park. I just think we have to <br /> reach out to those less fortunate. That's the message I always learned when I went to my Sunday <br /> School classes. If you can get them to work and they do a good job, it gives them a little pride and <br /> maybe they find a little something and maybe get a kitchen job or something. We only can try, <br /> that's all I'm saying. Thank you. <br /> Carol Schumacher, 1613 Hildreth Street, South Bend, IN stated, I think even if this program <br /> doesn't work, we have to give it a shot. It builds the reputation of our City if they know we are <br /> trying to deal with the homeless problem. I think there are people that will participate. I have a <br /> friend who works at the homeless center and there are a lot of people there that will pitch in and <br /> help, even if they're not getting paid, there are still good-hearted people willing to try. So, I think <br /> we have to make the effort. I have a son that lives in New York City and we don't want to become <br /> New York City. They have homeless people that live on the subways, there is trash all around and <br /> there are rats, you know? It's not as glamorous as you think, and he just walks to work and rides <br /> the subway, but, full of homeless and rats. We don't want that. We want to take a shot at trying to <br /> make this a more beautiful place. <br /> Tanya Burton, 1213 South 35th Street, South Bend, IN, stated, I lived in South Bend for fifteen <br /> (15) years before taking time to go work at Boeing in Seattle. I've seen panhandling from a big <br /> city and how they've had to address it and coming back here, my first (1St) experience in dealing <br /> with the homeless and the houseless has been during the cold weather as I volunteered for Weather <br /> Amnesty. Also, I volunteered my time and energy with Saint Pat's and some of the other <br /> organizations that give services and administer health to the homeless. I have not been downtown <br /> and have been directly affected by panhandling, but I can tell you when people are desperate, <br /> people will try anything. I think if you all decide to move forward on this plan as opposed to not <br /> implementing a plan, I would like to place my support and also ask that whatever you all are doing, <br /> make the details of that plan public because you are going to have an uphill battle against people <br /> that feel this is not enough. I can tell you first(1St) hand, every little bit helps. <br /> Amanda Govaert-Konrath, 1015 College Street, South Bend, IN, stated, I'm fully in support of <br /> this.We have a huge homeless population in our neighborhood that hang out around that Marathon <br /> station. They are always out asking for money. When you talk to them, they actually do want to <br /> work. They do want to be part of the community and be involved, and I think this is something <br /> that is a way for them to feel respected by their community. This is a great way for the City to <br /> reach out to them and help them feel that they are respected and a part of the community. <br /> 8 <br />