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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 11, 2012 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />men in blue, but also representing us citizens to make sure that things are done right and <br />this guy comes out in an article and basically looks like he is selling out the union and the <br />police officers and the people of the city. He stated that he thinks this investigation and <br />make sure that they ask for an investigation, Councilmember Davis asked to if we had <br />asked for an investigation or did we just hand them the tapes and say hey listen to this at <br />your will and if you think something is wrong do something. No, we need to know what <br />is on there. He stated that he has a question and hopefully the Mayor’s Office can answer <br />it. All this extravagant recording system and phone system that was in place used to <br />record these calls who had the authority at police station to listen to any of these <br />recordings if there was a call that came in from a terrorist, who is allow to listen to them. <br />Was it the Chief that was demoted, then they brought their own patsy in so that he could <br />defend someone? Who has the authority to listen to those tapes; the people have a right <br />to know that. <br /> <br />Steve Noonan, President, FOP Lodge #36, 701 W. Sample St., South Bend, Indiana, <br />stated that in regard to this investigation he stated that he is aware that there is a lot of <br />concern within the community just as there is within the police department. He assured <br />the Council and the public that the overwhelming majority of the police officers that <br />work for the City of South Bend are not involved in this investigation in any way, shape <br />or form. Every night and every day, and he thinks that Council President Dieter can <br />attest to this, we go out everyday, serving our oath and protecting the citizens of South <br />Bend. He just wanted to make that point, and appreciates the Council’s time. <br /> <br />Dave Frank, 50520 Burtonwood, South Bend, Indiana, stated that there are nine (9) <br />people who are going to impose their will on 100,000 people in the City of South Bend <br />and probably 250,000 people in St. Joseph County. He stated that he heard about this <br />non-smoking ban, and he is personally for it, he hates cigarettes. He stated that they <br />killed his father at the age of 52. He stated that his point is this you people are supposed <br />to be representing the people and he doesn’t know how you can do that unless you <br />communicate with the people. A plan has been presented to eight of the nine of you, to <br />use technology so that before these issues come before you the public has an opportunity <br />to hear them, voice their opinions on it, and vote on it if they are interested in it. He <br />stated the other night he was listening to the news and heard one of you say that the <br />majority of the people in South Bend are for this bill. After hearing that he stated that he <br />was not only stunned but very confused because there are 100,000 people in South Bend <br />and after he heard that on the news he went out and started asking people in South Bend <br />if they were even asked about this issue and he never found one. He stated that he really <br />doesn’t understand how anybody could miss represent this issue or any other issue as far <br />as saying that the people are for this, the majority of people are for this, without <br />communicating with the people. He stated that he doesn’t think this town, this city can <br />go forward until you use the technology that is available, and that just about everybody <br />else is using to start communicating with the people in this community so that you can <br />truly start representing the people. That’s what he believes. <br /> <br />ADJOURNMENT <br /> <br />There being no further business to come before the Council, President Derek D. Dieter <br />adjourned the meeting at 9:01 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />ATTEST: ATTEST: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />____________________________ ____________________________ <br />John Voorde, City Clerk Derek D. Dieter, President <br /> 22 <br />