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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 11, 2012 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />He stated that the reason that he is asking for this is for clarification and faster <br />communication during Council meetings. He stated that when they leave here, and things <br />may get lax or they get pounded with some other issue that may take precedent or priority <br />over things that have been asked, when we could just have these questions answered right <br />here on the floor. He stated for example, the illegal dumping issue, and his concern <br />regarding solid waste expanding their territory. He wanted to know if they would have <br />an opportunity to schedule in “City Departments” per Council meeting or ask that City <br />Department Heads actually attend all Council meetings. He asked what would be more <br />feasible or apropos to Council business on each matter that they have. He stated that it is <br />obvious that there are a lot of questions that are being asked, another example tonight <br />would have been the lease for the Human Rights Commission. He stated questions could <br />be answered right here, but instead they are going unanswered because there is no one <br />present from those various departments. He stated that there is a strain on the Clerk’s <br />Office sending out letters, there is a strain on the Council Attorney sending out letter’s <br />and then we have to wait for the response, then we are back here two weeks later, <br />hopefully with a response or do we have to continue things over. He reiterated that he <br />would like to request that City Department Heads attend Council meetings. <br /> <br />Council President Dieter stated that if we are going to do that, if there is questions that <br />you would have, so we could give them to the city people so they can show up with some <br />answers as opposed to “hey, I see you sitting out there I have a question for you.” He <br />stated that to be fair to the Council and be fair to them, he doesn’t want to have nine (9) <br />department people just sitting there waiting for a question, if we have a question, we can <br />give them a heads-up and he is sure that they will come if we ask them. He doesn’t want <br />to be put in a position to have whoever from the street department sit there and have to <br />come and we don’t ask them any questions. He stated that if we have the opportunity to <br />give the questions prior and have them come to the Council meeting to answer that, he <br />doesn’t see a problem with that. He understands the point, but his recommendation is <br />send an e-mail, contact the department head, and state that would like to have them <br />present at the Council meeting to answer some of the questions. <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis stated that four (4) hours out of the month is not asking for <br />too much. On average approximately two (2) hours per Council meeting, given the <br />responsibility that each department head has, that’s not asking too much. <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis asked about the consulting fees, clearly there are people <br />who are working for the city as consultants for the City of South Bend, or acting on <br />behalf of volunteer services. There is a state statute or municipal code that he is really <br />unclear on and going to ask for parliamentarian advise on this. He stated that there is a <br />code that is there that only allows a person to act on behalf of the city as a volunteer for <br />so long, is there a window, without being paid. <br /> <br />Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand stated no. <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis stated that a Department Head can act on as a Department <br />Head and not get back 365 days out of the year as a volunteer. <br /> <br />Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand stated yes. <br /> <br />Councilmember Dr. Fred Ferlic stated that he thinks Councilmember Henry Davis Jr.’s <br />request to have Department Heads present at all Council meetings should be handle at the <br />committee level. Each committee chairperson should ask the various department head to <br />which question is directed be asked to attend the Council meeting to answer those <br />questions that might come up. <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis stated that he is not against it, however it works. He stated <br />that we need to have more participation from City Department Heads during council <br />meetings. <br /> <br />Councilmember Schey asked for a point of clarification because she thinks this is <br />confusing but when we were talking about the Solid Waste Department, until she was <br /> 17 <br /> <br />