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REGULAR MEETING MAY 29, 2012 <br /> <br /> <br />they should give those kids in those projects a park. He stated that something definitely <br />needs to be done inside those areas inside those projects and give them a park. If you <br />want to see some real bad sad parks walk through those projects and watch those little <br />kids and see what they have to play on. <br /> <br />Samuel Brown, 222 E. Navarre, South Bend, Indiana, stated that he represents Citizens <br />United for a Better Government. He stated that it really bothers him when a police <br />officers is threatened, like anybody, that really hurts him. He stated that he is going to <br />make sure that any police officer that is threatened by someone and needs community <br />help, he is going to lead the rally on that. He stated that he has done it in the past, for <br />Officer Sam Diggins. He held a community rally for him when his job was threatened by <br />someone. He stated that Nancy Sulok wrote the article. He stated that if any officer <br />would come forth and call him and let him know that they were threatened and feel that <br />their job was on the line, he will be their fighting for them. He asked the Mayor that he <br />stated he would be looking inside and outside the City for new Police Chief, if he would <br />reconsider reinstating Mr. Boykins ? He stated that he believes he was a great asset to the <br />community. He wondered if the Mayor would give him a fair chance. <br /> <br />Douglas J. Thatcher, Falcon, South Bend, Indiana, stated that he has questions for the <br />Mayor and Council. He asked when you ask to have young people vote for you who do <br />you put first? The young people or yourself? He stated that he thinks the people should <br />come first, because the constitution is “we the people” not “we the people in power” we <br />the people help the people. He stated that we cannot help ourselves, if you do not help <br />us. He stated that they need the Council and Mayor to help them. He stated that he voted <br />for Mayor Pete and so far he stated that he has not done a lot of good things in his <br />opinion. He wrote to the Mayor on twitter “stated that these roads are dangerous” public <br />safety is his main concern as well as the parks, the bus issue that he spoke about earlier. <br />If you go to the intersection of Main Street and Western Avenue, you have lanes go from <br />two done to one lane with no signage saying so. He stated that the roads are deplorable <br />and the wear and tear on people’s vehicles is horrendous. He also reiterated his concern <br />with TRANSPO and the cutting of bus routes. He stated that the bus routes need to be re- <br />evaluated and expanded to accommodate all the new development in the city. <br /> <br />Willie Jr., 817 W. Colfax Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, stated that his is a sixty-five (65) <br />year resident of South Bend and loves the City and is very much committed to it. He <br />stated that he has never in his 65 years see or heard of a situation as egregious as this <br />current situation regarding these tapes. He stated that he has no idea of what is on these <br />tapes, he stated that he has heard a whole lot of rumors and the rumors are increasing by <br />the day. But apparently, some five million pound gorilla must be in question, must be on <br />the tapes, must be saying some stuff that is so fowl so, filthy, and so fearful that the <br />Mayor has to try and block their hearing of it. The City Council seemingly has not found <br />its voice to stand up and speak out and say they are going to get bottom of this <br />conspiracy. It is sickening, it’s frightful, he stated that he doesn’t know if the people are <br />th <br />reading the paper or not, but he read an article on the 25 of May in the newspaper with a <br />picture that said there was a police officer who is the head of Metro Homicide threatening <br />other officer’s and saying you all don’t know who the “blank” you are dealing with. <br />What is this Chicago? Is this LA? Is this NYPD, for real! So is anybody going to <br />anybody in power? His question is does the Council have any power to say anything or <br />do anything? He stated that he sees heads shaking, so apparently the Council doesn’t <br />have any power to say anything or do anything about this issue. He stated that he is very <br />concerned he has grandchildren that live in this community. If police officer’s are <br />thinking about shooting one another doing violent harm to one another of it’s family <br />members, what about his family, surely his kids can’t possible be safe. Serve and protect <br />are you kidding, in this environment, in this atmosphere? He stated that he has spoken to <br />the Mayor and expressed his concerns, but sadly, he thinks that if something really, really <br />bad happens to individual people who are in positions where there supposedly have <br />authority and power. Apparently, they do nothing, and that is unfortunate because <br />something bad can happen to anybody, that kind of environment is being created now. <br />Does the Council have any power, any authority to do anything about this issue? <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 34 <br /> <br />