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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> percent (85%) of people in the fire service are recruited through word of mouth. It's really <br /> important for us to make sure we follow up with that and we reach out to as many people as we <br /> can to get that word of mouth in. <br /> He went on(referencing a slide in the presentation),This is a picture from our recruitment class of <br /> 2017. As you can see, we had three (3) women in this recruit class. We had Joe Wade in the back <br /> of the photo,he's a graduate of Washington High School and is African American. Cesar Salinas <br /> is from Elkhart and is bilingual. Additionally, five(5) of these individuals are veterans. So, in one <br /> (1) class, I would argue we knocked it out of the park in regard to trying to bring more diversity to <br /> our department. I just wanted to show this picture as an example of the successes we've had. <br /> Additionally, the lady in the middle, Leah Eddy, is also Hispanic and is bilingual as well. She's a <br /> double legacy at our department as well. Her dad and her grandfather have served. I'm happy to <br /> answer any additional questions anybody may have. <br /> Committeemember Oliver Davis asked, What was the department up in Wisconsin doing that was <br /> the key thing? <br /> Chief Cox replied, That was the Madison Fire Department in Madison, Wisconsin. One(1) of the <br /> things they did was they created a recruitment committee. Chief Art Price formed a committee of <br /> approximately sixteen (16) individuals within his department. The diversity within Madison, <br /> Wisconsin is much different than in South Bend. They have a very large Hmong population, so <br /> they have to very directly reach out to that community. They have a significant Latino and African <br /> American population as well. So, his suggestions were that it is very important for us to have fire <br /> fighters that look like the populations that we go out and recruit. That way, individuals in our <br /> community that we are recruiting,they have something in common. They don't feel like there is a <br /> wall between them. They can speak freely and openly about the department. That was the number <br /> one (1) take away we got from Madison. Now, they have a Big Ten (10) University right in town <br /> with 40,000 students. His applicant pool looks way different from ours as well. They go to the <br /> women's softball and basketball teams, even the men's football team. Chief Price went to a lot of <br /> different events in the city. We spoke to a lot of community leaders and in the end,when we spoke <br /> to nineteen (19) to twenty-three (23) year old individuals, no offense to anyone in the room but <br /> they don't want to talk to us. They want to talk to people their age about the job. I'm going to have <br /> a different perspective than the younger fire fighters do. And the folks in Lansing reiterated a lot <br /> of what the Madison department was doing. They had a recruitment committee and attended a lot <br /> of the same events. <br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston asked,Have you seen people graduate the CTE program <br /> for high school and join your department? <br /> Chief Cox replied, Yes. They haven't gotten their way to actually being hired yet. We started that <br /> program three (3) years ago. It's a two (2) year program, the kids graduate and then move onto <br /> whatever else they're doing. On our current hiring list, we have two (2) year men who graduated <br /> our CTE program. In fact, one(1) of them is relatively high on the list right now. We anticipate to <br /> probably get to him. That will be a tremendous success story. I know when I brought that program <br /> to the Council,we wanted to think of that as a long-term recruitment tool. We had fifteen(15)kids <br /> start it this past fall. That program is growing and has been a wonderful experience. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 5 <br />