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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Mr. Parker replied, I would like to tack something onto that answer for Councilmember White. <br /> That is from an income perspective. That is the two(2)to three(3)year outlook. From just an asset <br /> perspective, we've done a lot to try and build up our liquidity and that is evidenced by moving$10 <br /> million more into the investment side. We have a lot of cash on hand to account for unforeseen <br /> expenses or drops in revenue, from that perspective. <br /> He continued, The investments are one (1) part of the picture when it comes to the Board of <br /> Finance. We also have cash outside of our investments and they are kept in deposit accounts. <br /> Rahman Johnson, Director of Treasury with offices located on the 12th floor of the County-City <br /> Building, stated,Continuing flipping through the report, I'm sure you've all seen this on a monthly <br /> basis. This is the Controller's Cash Report. It is simply a summary of where we are at for the <br /> month. I'll direct you to the last page of the report, bottom right, just above Total Cash for <br /> Investments, we are at $390 million for our cash balances in all the funds. The next page deals <br /> with cash reserves summary by fund.We do a great job of maintaining our cash reserves and you'll <br /> notice at the top there are about five (5) listed with insufficient balances and that is due to <br /> encumbrances. Again, directing you to the previous page in the total report, our cash balances are <br /> healthy. If you go to the next page, you'll see City of South Bend Cash Balance in all funds. This <br /> starts from 2007 and goes all the way to present. If you got to 12/31, you'll see the ending balance <br /> of$309 million and then it's broken down by Enterprise Funds, Redevelopment Funds and Civil <br /> City Funds. The next page is another break down of the Enterprise Funds dating back to 2007. <br /> Likewise, with Civil City Funds dating back to 2007. The next page I'm at is the Interest Income <br /> Summary, page thirty-one (31). As Paul mentioned, we are looking to do just above $4 million <br /> this year. As of December 31, 2018, we were at $4.8 million. Now, that includes investments as <br /> well as our regular 1St Source Checking account that gets interest. So, we are well above where we <br /> were a while back. The next page is just a graph. Then, the interest earnings summary is more <br /> detailed by fund and shows you which funds receive that interest to make up that$4.8 million. The <br /> next page is the cash reserve policy and the percentage required for each fund. Then the final back <br /> pages have information about our investment people at 1' Source Bank. <br /> Board President Voorde stated, I don't remember seeing these cash reserve policy totals for all <br /> these funds, so I appreciate that. <br /> Mr. Parker followed up, I will point out that these reserve thresholds are set internally and are <br /> actually set in excess of recommendation. The Government Finance Officer's Association has a <br /> recommendation that the General Fund maintain two (2) months worth of expenditures, which is <br /> about seventeen and a half percent(17.5%) and we are actually at double that. <br /> Councilmember White stated, I was going to ask about that. We are at thirty-five percent(35%). <br /> Mr.Parker replied,And that is our minimum. If you look at where we are right now,we are actually <br /> at sixty-one percent (61%) of our General Fund expenditures, in cash. So, we do have quite a bit <br /> of cash on hand. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden asked, What is the rationale for it being that high? As an <br /> Administration, why do you choose that? Why do we continue to let it grow? <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION j INCLUSION ; EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 466011p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567 <br /> <br /> 4 <br />