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PUBLIC WORKS AND PROPERTY VACATION MAY 29.2012 <br />4:50 P.M. <br />Committee Member's Present: Dr. David Varner, Oliver Davis, Gavin Ferlic, <br />Valerie Schey <br />Other Council Member's Present: Tim Scott, Henry Davis, Dr. Fred Ferlic <br />Karen White, Derek Dieter <br />Other's Present: Kathy Cekanski - Farrand, Kevin Allen, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, <br />Fire Chief Cox; Mark Neal <br />Agenda: Update SBFD — Fire Station #5 <br />Update — W. Ewing Pavement — Dept. of Public Works <br />This meeting of the Public Works and Property Vacation Committee was scheduled to <br />follow -up on two questions raised by Councilmember Oliver Davis at the meeting on <br />May 14. <br />The first concern was the SBFD timeline for construction of a new Station #5 originally <br />proposed in late 2011 to be built on a site adjacent to Bruno's on S.R. 23. <br />Recently appointed Fire Chief Steve Cox reported the project was on hold and other <br />options were being considered. He said he was doing a complete city -wide reassessment <br />of all stations involving computer assisted location analysis based upon volume of calls <br />and response times. He added that public safety would always be the primary concern. <br />Oliver Davis commented that 6`'' District residents were promised a new station. <br />Councilmember's White and Scott said analytical information was critical to the decision <br />process. Cox added the study would be complete by the end of August and would be <br />shared with the Council. <br />Dr. Fred Ferlic asked Chief Cox about the status of the proposed training center. Cox <br />noted the plans for a permanent training facility proposed years ago were going to <br />proceed; but not to the size and scale once envisioned due to budget constraints. <br />Valerie Schey asked if a new fire station #9 were built, would it still be in River Park. <br />Chief Cox said if and when it would be in River Park. Councilmember White and Kathy <br />Cekanski - Farrand returned to discussion of the training facility. Would it be a regional <br />facility? Would it be fee based? Cox answered that unless a funding source could be <br />found the facility would be limited on both counts. He told Councilmember White the <br />original state grant head to be returned though other grants were being sought. <br />The other concern of Councilmember Oliver Davis, that being the deteriorated condition <br />of the pavement on W. Ewing was deferred by Oliver. He reported he had toured the <br />area in question with the Mayor and was assured a solution would be forthcoming. <br />