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INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY <br />MAY 29, 2012 <br />Committee Members Present: <br />Citizen Member: Vacant <br />Other Council Members Present: <br />David Varner, Chairperson; Henry Davis, <br />Valerie Schey, Tim Scott <br />Derek Dieter, Karen White, Fred Ferlic, <br />Gavin Ferlic, Oliver Davis <br />Other's Present: Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Aladean DeRose, Mark Neal, Mike Schmuhl, <br />Police Chief Chuck Hurley, Kevin Allen, Kathy Cekanski- Farrand, <br />Murray Miller <br />Agenda: Update - City Website <br />Update - City Phones <br />Update — SBPD Protocols — Police Chief Chuck Hurley <br />IN essence this brief presentation made by Jitin Cain from the Economic Development <br />Department is summarized with a handout he provided for Council. It is attachment #1 <br />for reference. Several Councilmember's offered suggestions to research "best practices" <br />in place in other communities. Mr. Cain noted the references adding the city was <br />investigating the models employed by other cities which have won awards at national IT <br />conferences. <br />The recently completed city telephone system was outlined by the head of the city's IT <br />Department, Bob Allen. Bob provided a three page summary report attached to these <br />minutes as exhibit #2. The report summarizes the entire process from imagining to <br />selection and implementation of the system. Bob estimated a $35 thousand annual <br />savings through 2016. Savings of $333 thousand annually would be realized starting in <br />2017. Q &A followed. <br />After this brief discussion the Mayor addressed the Council regarding the ongoing <br />controversy surrounding the federal investigation resulting in the demotion of the police <br />chief and dismissal of the communications bureau director. In a nutshell, the Mayor <br />stated that shortly after he took office in January he was made aware of a federal <br />investigation into the possibility of phone recordings in the SBPD that might violate <br />privacy laws. Shortly before the end of March the Mayor was informed while there were <br />recordings made, no criminal charges were expected and the investigation was closed. <br />Further disclosure. restrictions applied. The Mayor said he ordered all taping of <br />conversations except 911 lines on March 30. Since then no other lines have been <br />recorded. Council questions along the lines of what did you know and when did you <br />know it followed. The Mayor reiterated what he previously stated and pledged to provide <br />the Council all materials from the investigation he was legally allowed to release. More <br />