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necessary. These residents included Gloria Norris, Whitney White, Claudia Welch, Viola <br />Sims, Ray Thompson, Marylin DeShaw, and Channel a student from Navarre Middle <br />School. <br />Henry Davis summed up his comments saying improvements were at least 10 years <br />overdue. Councilmember Karen White made a motion to recommend favorably to full <br />Council, seconded by Gavin Ferlic and supported by all. <br />The next item on the agenda Bill No. 12 -46 is a request from the Community & <br />Economic Development Department of the City who filed for Mr. Hollingsworth, asking <br />the Council to waive a late filing for abatement benefits previously granted to Mr. <br />Hollingsworth. These real property abatements for phases I and II of the Prairie Avenue <br />Apts. require the receipt to file for benefits annually on a date specific. Mr. <br />Hollingsworth said he had filed it on time with the appropriate city staffer who is no <br />longer with the City. Acknowledging possible red -tape culpability the City was <br />appealing for Mr. Hollingsworth. <br />After brief discussion, Councilmember Gavin Ferlic moved to forward favorably. <br />Councilmember Karen White seconded and all supported. <br />Bill No. 12 -49 would begin discussion regarding the appropriateness of bringing a <br />portion of Lincoln way West, namely from Bendy east to William, into the Airport <br />Economic Development Area. Historic Lincolnway West has long been a main arterial <br />into South Bend from Chicago and later the airport. Decades of disinvestment in the <br />corridor due to a multitude of factors have resulted in a less than appealing pathway to <br />downtown. Adding the corridor to the AEDC might provide the investment capital <br />needed to infuse economic activity. Councilmember White counseled a judicious <br />approach. Councilmember's Scott, Schey and Dieter all supported a careful approach. <br />Councilmember Henry Davis stated the development of both Lincolnway West and <br />Western needed to be a priority. Councilmember Scott agreed and advocated investment <br />into adjacent neighborhoods. <br />During the public comment portion Henry Davis, Sr., underlined the need for public <br />investment using the donut hole analogy resulting from fringe investment policy over <br />years and years. Gloria Norris, Viola Sims, Linda Wolfson and Marylin DeShaw, all <br />spoke to a coordinated corridor neighborhood effort. <br />Ultimately, Councilmember Gavin Ferlic moved to support the bill. Councilmember <br />White seconded and all affirmed. <br />Under miscellaneous matters, Dr. Fred Ferlic provided copies of a recent article in the <br />Wall St. Journal concerning using natural gas in commercial fleets. (A copy is on file in <br />the Office of the City Clerk.) <br />There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, Chairperson <br />Henry Davis, Jr., adjourned the meeting at 4:36 p.m. <br />