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Henry brought up the possibility of coordinating Community & Economic <br />Development's efforts with the newly formed MBEW /WBE group working to increase <br />minority participation in getting public dollar contracts. Dr. Fred Ferlic asked Pam if her <br />Department had a record of who bid on and to whom contract were awarded in the past. <br />Pam Meyer said that information was available; but cautioned meeting federal <br />compliance would not necessarily accomplish the larger question of minority contractor <br />access. <br />The following comments from Councilmember's as well as citizens in attendance touch <br />on these larger issues of overall minority access and participation. <br />Marti Wolfson wondered if the federal guidelines actually create impediments to <br />minority access, a "Catch 22" scenario. <br />Issac Hunt, a minority contractor, described the prohibitive costs imposed on a small <br />business trying to gain access, in effect sometimes making it unprofitable to bid on public <br />contracts. <br />Murray Miller claimed Davis -Bacon requirements were not being met. Contractors <br />should be required to provide pay stubs and date of hire records of employees working on <br />publicly funded projects. <br />Glenn Williams suggested the whole compliance monitoring process was inadequate and <br />ineffectual. <br />Karen White said it was the Council's intent to work through the diversity office created <br />by the MBE/WBE legislation. <br />To wrap -up the discussion, Henry thanked Pam Meyer for her HUD Section 3 <br />presentation as well as fellow Councilmember's and citizens for their input. <br />In summary, he stated, the importance of supplemental compliance reporting criteria <br />being established, the bidding process be provided, and the MBE/WBE diversity office <br />get involved in the process. Henry also stated all involved parties, the Council, the BPW, <br />the Community & Economic Development, and potential contractors be brought to the <br />table to discuss ways to see tax dollars better benefit those for whom the programs <br />intended to benefit. <br />