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PERSONNEL AND FINANCE COMMITTEE <br />June 11, 2012 4:30 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: <br />Karen White, Gavin Ferlic, Dr. David Varner <br />Other Council: <br />Tim Scott, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Oliver Davis <br />Others Present: <br />Kevin Allen, Kathy Cekanski - Farrand, Bob Hammer, Cheryl Greene, Aladean DeRose, Kyle <br />Chamberlin, Phil Custard, Murray Miller, Don Inks, Mike Divita <br />Agenda: Bill No. 12 -47 — Lease 319 Niles — Human Rights Commission <br />Chairperson Karen White opened the hearing on Bill No. 12-47 by asking acting City Attorney <br />Aladean DeRose to make the presentation. At great length Aladean illustrated the inadequacy of <br />the present location of the Human Rights Commission at 301 S. St. Louis. The building in <br />Howard Park was too small, was not ADA compliant and could not be retrofitted at an acceptable <br />cost. The building is a historic landmark limiting alteration for addition. Built in the 1930's as a <br />WPA project it's plumbing electrical, and HVAC systems were dated and inadequate for today's <br />requirements. Aladean went on to describe the process of evaluating possible relocation to a city <br />owned facility. Non passed muster given office conversion and ADA compliance costs. <br />According to Phil Custard, who was charged with looking for an alternative site, over 31 privately <br />owned, currently listed, available spaces were evaluated. The one that best met the criteria for <br />cost, accessibility, and convenience was 319 N. Niles. Details of the proposed lease were <br />provided (see attachment.) Aladean summed up her presentation saying state law required <br />Council approval for a lease such as this. <br />Chairperson White opened the hearing to Council questions. There were many. Which city- <br />owned properties were evaluated? Could a list of city-owned properties or redevelopment owned <br />properties be provided? Could details or renovation cost estimates for the current location be <br />provided? Could a list of the 31 evaluated properties be provided? And could the lease details <br />including conversion /adaptability costs for the Niles site be provided. And finally where was the <br />money to pay for this now and in the future coming from? <br />In light of these unanswered questions Chairperson White affirmed Council support for adequate, <br />convenient, customer and employee friendly quarters for the Human Rights Commission. <br />However with the apparent need for more answers Karen entertained a motion for no <br />recommendation from her committee for Bill No. 12-47. <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic so moved and Dr. Varner followed with a second. All agreed. <br />There being no further business to come before the committee at this time, Chairperson Karen <br />White adjourned the meeting at 4:06 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Karen White, Chairperson <br />Personnel & Finance Committee <br />