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During a Question & Answer portion Valier asked about the Wilson Lipps Program. Dr. <br />Schmidt said this phonemic awareness program meant to help children to learn to read <br />was moving ahead. Addressing efforts to close gaps and inequities in expulsions, <br />suspensions, and grade Dr. Schmidt again noted the importance of engaging parents. She <br />said she was directing a re- allocation of resources to close disparities and enlisting the <br />help of organizations like the NAACP and the Ministerial Alliance to help devise <br />effective approaches. , <br />Henry Davis asked if the school corporation was dealing with any organizations other <br />than those clearly minority identified? <br />The Superintendent said they were working with the universities, the YMCA, and the <br />mentoring programs that have had a recent boost in interest. <br />James Burns, Citizen Member, said from his own experience of having children in South <br />Bend schools as well as volunteering as a mentor, that anything that can be done to bring <br />parents in will be a great plus for the kids. <br />Valerie Schey asked if there was any federal financial support available for technology in <br />schools. Dr. Schmidt said the available federal dollars were insignificant. Most monies <br />come from the state. <br />Additional discussion about a variety of topics followed before Chairperson Schey <br />adjourned the meeting at 5:14 p.m. <br />Resp ctfully Submitted, <br />Valerie Schey, Chairperson <br />Community Relations Committee <br />