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HEALTH & PUBLIC SAFETY JUNE 18. 2012 <br />5:00 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Dr. Fred Ferlic, Karen White, Tim Scott, Henry Davis <br />Citizen Members Present: Kyle Chamberlin, Marcus Ellison <br />Other Council Present: Valerie Schey, Dr. David Varner, Oliver Davis, Derek Dieter, <br />Gavin Ferlic <br />Other's Present: Jill Sabo, (Tobacco Free St. Joe Co.), Dr. Paul Guentert, Dr. Tom <br />Soisson, Dr. Allen Engle, Dr. Mark Walsh, Dr. George Friend, Carl Nichols, Lindsey Grace, Ron <br />Troyer, Cathrine Toppel, Kevin Clarity, Dr. Dan Kletzing, Dr. Cavelo, Jeff Levely, Terry Meehan, <br />Jacqueline Cronk, Kelly Ray Bowen, Bruce Knutson, Cherri Peate, Kerry Gerschoffer, Mark <br />Potuck, Larry Wolf, John Bergeroff, Jeff Flora, Nick Linarello, James Ford, Matt Zultanski, Carrie <br />Dvis, Jesie Davis <br />Agenda: Bill No. 21 -12 — Smoking Regulations <br />Bill No. 24 -12 — Workplaces and Public Places <br />Dr. Fred Ferlic, Chairperson of the Health and Public Safety Committee opened the hearing <br />stating the bills before the committee would be heard in order of their filing. Councilmember <br />Valerie Schey, the primary sponsor of bill 21 -12 concerning smoking regulations was called upon <br />to begin the presentation. Valerie introduced Jill Sabo representing Tobacco Free St. Joseph <br />County who spoke to the purpose and intent of the bill as well as the need. Essentially her <br />message was that because of the exemptions for smoking in certain public places allowed in both <br />the state law going into effect July 1, and those allowed in the recently passed county bill, a more <br />comprehensive ban was in order. Following her testimony seven physicians each of different <br />specialties proceeded to illustrate the devastating physical consequences of smoking and <br />exposure to second hand smoke. Bolstering the doctors testimony were presentations from <br />tavern and restaurant owners Jeff LefFley Manager of 11 Hacienda's and Terry Meehan owner of <br />Fiddler's Hearth who said business had increased since they voluntarily banned smoking. <br />Lindsey Grace from the American Lung Association state office in Indianapolis recounted the <br />positive results in business and lack of enforcement issues in Indianapolis since that city enacted <br />the ban. Elkhart City Councilmember Ron Troyer related the positive effects of the ban recently <br />adopted in his city. Catherine Toppel, Director of South Bend Code Enforcement, said the <br />administration was in support of the bill and she did not see any enforcement problems. Kevin <br />Clarity followed with a hand out from the Campaign for Tobacco -Free Kids which argued that <br />"smoke- free" laws have been shown nationwide to not have negative affects on business in bars <br />and restaurants. <br />Testimony in support of the smoking ban citizens not listed in the formal presentation. Included <br />were Jacqueline Cronk, Kelly Ray Bowen, Bruce Knutson, Cherri Peate, representing Black Expo <br />and Mark Potuck. <br />Several Councilmember's wanted to ask the presenters questions at this point; but Chairperson <br />Dr. Fred Ferlic asked citizens present to speak in opposition to the ban to speak first. Speaking <br />against were nine people, at least five local bar owners among them. They argued their bars <br />would be at a a competitive disadvantage unless the ban were county -wide. They and others <br />also raised the issue of freedom of choice being compromised by government intrusion. <br />Council questions followed the time allotted to those speaking against. Council President Dieter <br />was adamant about the need for an enforcement plan. Oliver Davis, a co- sponsor, reserved <br />support until he spoke with bar and restaurant owners in his district. Others questioned the <br />