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•CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Councilmember Broden interjected, So, kind of related to this, downspout disconnect, what is the <br /> timeline on that for residential? <br /> Mr. Horvath replied, Yeah, so by ordinance, it was at the end of 2018. We had up through <br /> December, we had done seven hundred and eighty(780) homes in 2017/2018. We've pushed out <br /> direct mailings to everyone we thought that still had downspouts. We received about eight hundred <br /> (800) of those back before the deadline. So, we have a huge list now. That is eight hundred (800) <br /> homes so that is a lot more downspouts than eight hundred (800). We've been finding that there <br /> are about two and a half(2.5) to three (3) downspouts per home. We end up disconnecting them <br /> but some we can't disconnect and give exemptions. Otherwise, we get them disconnected. All of <br /> those will be done for free. There is $100,000 in the budget allocated to do those. That work is all <br /> done by ACORN and ACORN bid that out and it is sixty-five dollars ($65)per downspout. <br /> Councilmember Broden followed up,And there is no requirement for non-profit organizations and <br /> institutions, correct? <br /> Mr. Horvath replied, I think the requirement is that all entities must disconnect. The ordinance <br /> gave us the ability to give exemptions but there needs to be a way to show it is cost prohibitive. <br /> Because there may also be a threshold that if you are below a certain number of employees,it isn't <br /> required. <br /> Kara Boyles, City Engineer with offices located on the 13th floor of the County-City Building, <br /> stated, It's got a few tiers. So, one (1) is the certain amount of employees. As a business gets <br /> smaller, there is a great reduction and you pay less for the disconnect. That is for commercial. <br /> Also, if there is hardship or it is impossible to disconnect, that is exempt. <br /> Councilmember Broden asked, Does that commercial designation encompass non-profits though? <br /> Ms. Boyles replied, No. <br /> Committeemember Williams-Preston stated, I want a clarification. Councilmember White said <br /> something I would like to repeat. So, we are looking to make a decision tonight as to whether we <br /> want to pass this or not. Whether we pass this or not, it has been requested we have public <br /> conversation and dialogue. Then, in June, even if we pass it tonight, you will come back and talk <br /> about scaled stuff, but is there anything else that needs to come back to us if we pass this tonight? <br /> Councilmember White stated, We want to make sure there are conversations that include the <br /> proper level of constituent and partner input. I would encourage residents to join those as well. <br /> Mr. Horvath replied, In addition to trying to figure out the lifeline rates piece,we will start moving <br /> down the path of moving to a pervious and impervious surface-based calculation. The first (1St) <br /> piece of that is figuring out the average impervious rate for a residential lot,then figuring out what <br /> the ERU is, and then assigning rates to the ERUs, and then at that time we would bring that back <br /> to the Council as well. <br /> Committeemember Williams-Preston followed up, So we aren't anticipating that by June 1St?That <br /> is why we have the two (2) year kind of thing? <br /> EXCELLENCE ' ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567 <br /> 6 <br />