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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Mr. Horvath replied, I'm not following your question, I'm sorry. <br /> Committeemember Davis asked, If something were to happen, the same thing that happened last <br /> year in February, right now, all plans on the table, there would not be any funds available for her <br /> neighborhood this year? <br /> Mr. Horvath replied,Yes, that is mostly true. <br /> Committeemember Davis interrupted, So most of it but part of it's not true? <br /> Mr. Horvath continued, When we pushed this to June 1st, and in my answers to Council, I stated <br /> there were two (2) things moving forward. One (1) was the flood inundator study which will help <br /> people determine the level the river will be at and it gives a predictive analysis of where that's <br /> going. We are partnering with the USGS on that. And the other one (1)was doing these backflow <br /> gates on the storm lines that would prevent the river from coming back into the storm sewers. <br /> Those two (2)things are moving forward with waste water funding because we felt like they were <br /> important to keep moving forward. We had to give USGS a commitment to get the grant funding <br /> and we felt it was important for those backflow gates to be on. But beyond that, there is no other <br /> funding. <br /> Committeemember Davis followed up, Where is that funding coming from? <br /> Mr. Horvath reiterated, That is from the Waste Water Fund. <br /> Committeemember Davis then asked, And that is already regardless of what we are doing right <br /> now, currently? <br /> Mr. Horvath replied, Those are established, yes. <br /> Committeemember Davis asked, So basically, that is separate than what we are talking about? <br /> Mr. Horvath replied, That is correct. Initially we would fund this Storm Water Fund as well and <br /> we were proposing starting January 1 but moved it back to June 1. <br /> Committeemember Davis stated, I just wanted you to be clear that what's happened whether this <br /> is voted up or down, that part is going to still take care of your situation and that is not contingent <br /> on this vote tonight, ok? So if that is voted down and those are voted down, whatever. That is not <br /> affecting that but it can be perceived that if we voted no that it would be affecting your situation. <br /> But your situation is covered no matter what, ok? <br /> Ms. Sutton interjected, But it's an ongoing issue for the City. <br /> Committeemember Davis continued, I understand it's an ongoing issue. And that funding of that, <br /> part of it will be ongoing no matter what,too.And so that is ongoing and that is already established <br /> in our budget, correct? <br /> Mr. Horvath clarified, Which one(1)? <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 5 <br />