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SCITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> year we had about one (1) dozen homes that were deemed unsafe due to fire, structure or things <br /> like that. Code Enforcement deemed them a safety hazard and put them out to contract for <br /> demolition. Part of the grant money we use to do that requires us to pay that. By doing that, we <br /> overdrew the budget line item for that and now we've received the money back in, we are asking <br /> to re-appropriate those funds back into the line item. <br /> Councilmember Broden asked, Circling back to the Solid Waste operations, the land fill site is <br /> different, right? That contributed to wear and tear? My question is, one (1), if that is a correct <br /> understanding and two (2), how often is that evaluated in terms of where we are taking out <br /> materials. <br /> Jitin Kain, Deputy Director of Public Works with offices located on the 13th floor of the County- <br /> City Building,replied, We intended to evaluate the change of the landfill. The landfill we use right <br /> now is about a forty-five (45) minute drive one (1)-way. It is dirt road and we don't have ideal <br /> conditions for some of the new vehicles we have. The wear and tear on the vehicles have been <br /> largely due to the drive and the conditions of the landfill. We had intended to review that and look <br /> at making a change earlier this year but we had a change in leadership. Kelly Smith is now our <br /> new Director and we have since then taken a look at using a different transfer station which is a <br /> shorter drive.The GreenTech Transfer Station is about a fifteen(15)minute drive and it is in South <br /> Bend. We intend to change our landfill starting in January. We just finalized a contract that we <br /> will take to the Board of Public Works at our next meeting. We did the calculation and we figure <br /> that over ten (10) years there are substantial savings, even though the tipping fees may be higher <br /> for the closer transfer station, over ten (10) years the maintenance cost will be substantially <br /> reduced. That is something we intended to do a little earlier in the year that we are now doing. <br /> Councilmember Broden followed up, And that transfer station, they will have the determination <br /> on where the final destination is? <br /> Mr. Kain replied, We take it to the transfer station and the transfer station then takes it to the <br /> landfill so we are not making a trip to the landfill as the transfer station has much better conditions. <br /> It is much better for our vehicles. <br /> Councilmember Broden then asked, I would assume that this has some impact on the Solid Waste <br /> Management District in terms of tipping fees? <br /> Mr. Kain replied, It does have some impact because there is an agreement that there is a certain <br /> fee that goes to the Solid Waste Management District and as we take this to the Board, we will <br /> reach out and let them know. <br /> Councilmember Broden stated, Thank you. As a member serving on that, that would be good to <br /> be appraised. <br /> Committee Chair White then turned the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor <br /> of or in opposition to the legislation. There were none. She then turned the floor back to the <br /> Committee for further comment or main motion. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION j EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.92211f 574.235.9173 I 11)574.235.5567 <br /> 8 <br />